
/c/memes Modlog
1 year ago
Removed Post Men bros, we won again
reason: rule 1
1 year ago
Banned from the community
reason: bot
1 year ago
Removed Comment > Tell them you’ll tip cash once you get your food and see how fast they go. Then don’t tip them because it’s a fucking fast food restaurant and they should be fast regardless. Yeah, you didn't tip them, **after lying to their faces and saying that you would.** That's a little more than just "not tipping them," fuckface. I'm insulting you because you said the best way to deal with it **was to do something deceiving *and* insulting** (lie about a tip, then don't give a tip) to people who work minimum wage and often *don't have the help they need to do their job fast.* You then acted as though it being "fast food" was all the reason you needed to expect it to be done fast, ignoring that fast food has been running on skeleton crews for a decade now. Don't talk to me about reddit demeanor when you're suggesting the best path is to insult people with no power and control other than making your food, and then get your panties in a twist because someone calls you out for that being bullshit Karen-ass behavior. You literally started this by suggesting asshole behavior is the best course of action. I'm just insulting you, at least I'm not lying to your face and telling you to be happy about it. Or are you really one of those stupid fucks that thinks that insulting behavior isn't the same as insulting words? If you insult other people with behavior, they might insult you with words, chode for brains. Or did you expect them to smile when you drove away without tipping them? Get fucked, asshole. by Hot
reason: Rule 2
1 year ago
Banned from the community
reason: not civil
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Removed Post When you are not sure which Lemmy app to use
reason: not a meme
1 year ago
Removed Post The Crownless Again Shall Be King
reason: not marked as nsfw
1 year ago
Removed Post Le nice Avatar movie has arrived
reason: not marked as nsfw
1 year ago
Banned from the community
reason: homophobia
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Banned from the community
reason: not civil
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Banned from the community
reason: extremely not civil
expires: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Post That's the future. It's coming. Holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire.
1 year ago
Removed Comment > I don't think Nazis demonstrate that trait Actually they did. Calling anyone living today a Nazi is wrong to begin with. Nazi was the nickname for NSDAP members. The S there is for Sozialistisch (social) and was not just a hollow word in their name. They did alot for unemployed people and massively increased social welfare programs (though, obviously, not everyone profited from that). People seem to forget, that the Nazis were legally elected in 1933; And that was not because everyone hated Jews (many did, though). They were humans, and they were idealists. Despicible horrid ideals, but still. And they used those ideals to rationalize dehumanizing others. Your thought process, even if your ideals are opposing, is not that unsimilar to theirs. People like to reduce their motives to racial bias, which is wrong. They incorporated race theory (originating from the USA, btw) but the antisemitism was the intensification and aggravation of a deeply rooted and centuries old *Christian* antisemitism and thus very much cultural and political and *not* based on traits people were born with. But hey, if you think dehumanizing groups of humans is fine if it is done for the right reasons, be my guest. After all, everybody does it: Russians dehumanizing Ukranians and the other way around, back in the day the Nazis dehumanizing Jews, American farmers the black people, Turkey the Kurds, ..., and you everyone who's right of you and who you label a Nazi. What you all have in commen is, that you *think* you're doing it for the right reasons. by
1 year ago
Removed Comment ;) ![enter image description here]( by
1 year ago
Removed Post Any takers?
1 year ago
Removed Comment you *removed* niger by
1 year ago
Removed Post Five guys
1 year ago
Removed Post Ooof
1 year ago
Removed Post Foot
1 year ago
Removed Comment 你个狗屁 白痴 肏你妈的屄 你二大爷的 蠢豬 你应该为自己感到羞耻 笨蛋 废话 蠢蛋 二百五 人渣 处男 沒用 肏你妈 请删除您的帐户 生舊叉燒都好過生你! 智障呀 大脑进水 去吃大便t 傻瓜 傻子 废人 废物 孬种 无用 饭桶 去下地狱 放你妈的屁 你在讲什么屁话 Free the world 动态Dust Bowl 网自USS Maine 由门USS Pueblo 天1960 U-2 shootdown安門 天California fires安门 法輪The Great Depression 功 李Herbert Hoover 洪志 Washington Measles Outbreak 六四天 NATO puppet states安門 legionnaires disease 事件 The Kent State Massacre 天安 third wave feminism 門大AIDS屠殺 The September 11th Attacks 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Workers Struggle 大躍Americanization 進Vietnamization 政策 The Industrial Revolution 文化大革命 The Charlottesville riots人權 Workers Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Imperialism 獨立 Decadence 多黨制 electoral college台灣 臺灣 South Korea 中華民國 Republic of Vietnam 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Khmer Rouge 達賴喇嘛 Mujahideen 法輪功 Ted Kaczynski 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Trail of Tears 諾貝 death to america 爾和Ngo Dinh Diem 平獎 Operation Rolling Thunder 劉暁波 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia 民主 言論 思 firebombing of Tokyo 想 反 embargo 共 反革congressional baseball shooting 命 抗 Las Vegas Massacre 議 Battle of Little Bighorn 運動 Bikini atoll nuclear tests 騷 MK ultra 亂 暴亂 removed 騷擾 擾 Challenger Space Shuttle 亂 抗暴 destruction of culture 平反 維權 示威游 1975 fall of Saigon行 李洪Columbia space shuttle志 法輪 war criminals 大法 大 banana republics 法弟UN aid子 強制 Bay of Pigs Invasion 斷種 Ayatollah Khomeni 強制 My Lai Massacre 堕胎 民 Liberia 族淨化 support of wahhabis 人體實驗 肅清 hands off Venezuela胡耀邦 Lockheed Martin 趙紫陽 Palestine 魏京生 王丹 M1 abrams destroyed in Yemen 還政於民 1991 gulf war 和平演變 1983 invasion of Grenada 激流中The Truman doctrine國 北京 chilean coup of 1973 之春 大紀元時報 Osama Bin Laden 九評論 Annexation of Hawaii 共産黨Assasination of John F Kennedy 獨裁 專制 The Columbine high school massacre 壓制 Israel 統一 監視 1967 USS liberty incident 鎮壓 Tuskeegee Experiment 迫害 侵略 Iran-Contra affair掠奪 破壞 Oxycontin epidemic 拷問 屠 2000 election 殺 活 healthcare 摘器 Pan American Airways Flight 103 官 誘 John Lennon FBI interrogation 拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 sanctions 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 diabetes 六合 Guantanamo Bay Prison 彩 天安The Ghetto 門 天 cholesterol 安门 Flint Michigan 法輪功 李洪志 Corporate Brainwashing 劉曉波动 Mental Disorders 态网自由门 by
reason: Spam
1 year ago
Removed Post So Humane 😊
reason: Mark nsfw please
1 year ago
Unlocked Post How Reddit handles competition
1 year ago
Locked Post How Reddit handles competition