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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • Yeah, its infuriating that punk has become a suffix.

    There is nothing punk about steampunk, dieselpunk, atompunk. They are just fantasy technological scenarios / art styles.

    Cyberpunk has an both a recognizable aesthetic and a whole lot of political, social and philosophical views baked into it. You get the punks in cyberpunk as either a direct ideological opposition to the power of corporations, or as an indirect result of said corpos creating a hell world for 99% of people.

    There is nothing inherently rebellious about worlds or characters within worlds with more prevalent / advanced steam or diesel or nuclear power.

    Solarpunk arguably has some actual punk to it if you actually try to follow the idea of personally minimizing your fossil fuel usage, but mostly its a utopian or post-dystopian setting / art style.

    Its now like -gate being affixed to any kind of publicized controversy.

    Most people do not understand what Watergate even was and why it was so significant.

  • Its possible they could last long enough for some kind of rescue mission, assuming they were in the cabin and not blown out into space.

    Fairly sure the payload bay does not have windows.

    Or they may have been able to rendezvous with the ISS and live there, assuming the damage was only to the shuttle bay.

    They’d certainly die if they attempted to re enter the atmosphere.

    Though, judging by how small the earth is… they seem to be significantly higher in earth orbit than any shuttle missions I am aware of?

  • This stems from the fact that, so far, the earliest dated written fragments we have from what is now the New Testament are some of the writings of Paul.

    Paul was not one of the Apostles EDIT: Disciples, and it seems possible that, after persecuting earlier, existing Christians, he could have basically had a stress induced psychotic break and hallucinated the vision of Jesus that he had, then converted.

    Thing is though, Christians would have to … you know exist and already be a real thing first, for that to make sense.

    It does explain why Paul does not mention some very key elements of the narrative of the Gospels: He just had not actually read about or heard of those parts yet.

    This creates some theological problems down the line, and some of those problems were ‘remedied’ by what a good deal of scholars and historians believe to be forgeries… chapters of the Bible that modern Christians attribute to Paul, but do not seem to actually have been written by Paul.

    It is also possible to some of the empty tomb accounts in some of the Gospels as similar kinds of trauma induced hallucinations.

    Mark famously originally just ends with an empty tomb, and nobody said anything about this because they were scared… and then the last bit of verses giving Mark a more satisfying ending have been shown to be added … decades later.

  • There exists documented proof in many bits of literature from around 200 BCE to around 100 CE of numerous different figures in what is called ‘Jewish Apocalypticism’, basically a small in number but persistent phenomenon of Jews in and around what was for most of that time the Roman province of Palestine, preaching that the end would come, that God or a Messiah would return or arise and basically liberate the region and install a Godly Kingdom, usually after or as part of other fantastical events.

    Jesus was one of many of these Jewish Apocalypticists. Much like the rest of the movement’s key figures, they were wrong, and their lives were greatly exaggerated in either their writings or writings about them or inspired by them.

    This seems to be the (extremely condensed) opinion of most Biblical Scholars.

    There are a very small number of modern Biblical Scholars that are ‘Mythicists’ of some kind, who believe that Jesus was completely fictional and wholly invented by certain people or groups.

    This is an unpopular view amongst scholars and historians of that time and region, as most believe it more plausible that Jesus was just another example of a radical Jewish Apocalyptic preacher, which again, was fairly common for roughly 300 years in that region.

    Its like how if you go to a big city theres always that one guy with a megaphone preaching imminent doom. 99% of people think this is silly and ignore them, but tons of people know that people like them exist and do have small followings.

  • Yeah, another part of the problem is that you cannot tell that you are hyperthermic and or dehydrated.

    Thats how you get the people that dance all night and then just die, or go comatose or pass out.

    Your body stops telling you wow, i am way too hot and wow, i really need water.

    Sort of like that rare condition where you literally cannot feel pain, and children with it will break their fingers because it feels weird.

  • Excellent point, I totally agree.

    We got a poorly written Holdo instead, closest thing to a strong older female character… I think she shoots a blaster… once?

    Only older woman doing action in a recent major movie I can think of is Sarah Connor.

    Brought back Ford for another Indi movies, that whole series with Liam Neeson, all of the Expendables movies, etc.

    But yeah, the voice and face morph tech was basically available, they could have used Hamil and Fisher for the lines and most of the acting (you know, CGI and/or stunt doubles for the more intense action scenes same as basically every actor over 50 other than Tom Cruise), just maybe de age their voices and faces a tad to be set more proximally after 6, and focus more on her training, grand tragedy of her and han and Jacen becoming Caedus…

    There is absolutely enough established lore there that could be worked into a trilogy focusing on the growth of Leia, showcasing a strong mother and warrior and diplomat/leader.

    It is honestly completely baffling to me still that they threw out the EU. Sure, not all the plot lines are great, but they could have gone in so many directions with it.

    I had always assumed the obvious problem with making a new trilogy would be:

    Ok, we have so, so much established canon to work with, what parts of it can we focus on or interweave and tweak a bit to tell precisely the kind if story we want?

    But nope, they just fucking binned it all.

  • A pity they already had the entire EU to work from and decided to obliterate it all… until they fucked up their own shit so badly they started bringing it back.

    We could have had another trilogy centered around an established strong female character.

    Mara Jade.

    Sure, mix and match in some new ideas to make it work better as films than novels. The idea of Finn (a defecting stormtrooper) absolutely works in this setting.

    But the original cast is too old for that time period!

    Well we’ve now seen that Luke can be portrayed reasonably well with another actor and face and voice changing tech.

    Have a whole trilogy set in basically the Mando/Asoka time period, but use the Mandalorians in a more adult story about the difficulty of establishing and maintaining alliances when the New Republic is young, the Imperial Remnant still exists, and now basically its chaos as various factions are picking sides.

    Thrawn can be the big bad, but his presence is barely hinted at in 7, makes his appearance in 8 and has a major victory, and is defeated in 9.

    You could even work in Boba Fett and Asoka! Maybe Thrawn sends Fett to assassinate Luke in 8 and he is seriously wounded or his new gaggle of Jedi trainees are fucked up, but Asoka helps Luke fend him off on the Millennium Falcon!

    But uh nope, instead we got A New Hope v2, A B and C plot clusterfuck with a side of break hyperspace and all space combat lore, followed by Duct Tape and Bullshit.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhat would your father say?
    1 month ago

    Its a skin tight body suit that flares where the leg parts end.


    Yeah I dunno, this is what we get after decades of anime and female mmo character designs.

    Maybe like the mom is supposed to be like a twitch thot / e girl?

    There are middle aged rightoid men with moustaches who could have an e girl as a trophy wife by now, I guess?