In a bit over 24 hours, fedia,io has grown to nearly 700 users and growth seems to be accelerating. In addition to fixing the image issue, am going to have to work on scaling across multiple servers, which is going to require some downtime soon. The very good news is that I have instructions on how to get this thing going without containers, which will make it loads easier to troubleshoot issues like images as well as scaling out.

My credit card is about to get more of a workout…


    1 year ago

    @jerry My only hope is that this continues to be sustainable.

    Something that frustrates me about the entire situation on Reddit is that, in my opinion, this largely could’ve been avoided if Reddit said “you need to pay a subscription to use third party apps”.

    With that in mind, personally I’d be quite happy to contribute towards the upkeep of the server, and I would hope that support would be encouraged if it allows this instance to stay around for the long haul.

    Also, are you the same Jerry of on Mastodon?