Been tinkering with alot of parameters in about:config, but I finally a viable solution:

We all know that changing mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_Any particular Axis values changes the minimum number of lines being scrolled

But what this does not change is the sensitivity of the smallest “fling” gesture when scrolling with a touchpad.

Here’s the values you want to alter when trying make the scrolling feel more “tighter” or more “Windows like” or to fix the issue described above:

set apz.fling_friction 0.002 --> 0.005

apz.fling_min_velocity_threshold 0.5 --> 1.5

the above will make the smooth scrolling with touchpad actually feel smooth and in control. As opposed to simply changing the delta multiplier values.

    11 months ago

    Systemd was that way. It was the wide adoption forcing it down our throats that allowed it to mature. Wayland is doing that now.