This past week has been a blast crafting-wise. I got a year older and finished the first two Discworld books (in order of release). I got more comfortable with crochet as well but we’re stitching here and that’s more important.

My secret project for November is way ahead of schedule. Which is great, I have two months to wash, iron, and frame. The cross stitching is done with only the backstitch left. First round is also almost done with two-strands in black. What remains is the finer accents with one strand in 351, as well as the off-white accents.

The Greenhouse of Oddities progress has slowed down a bit but it’s still visible. We have the silhouette of a victim of the deadly plants, taking refuge in that corner of the greenhouse. Not sure why but I’m particularly proud of the deadly nightshade plant in the bottom right corner. I had to substitute the colours, and I did it with a different brand. I love how it turned out!

How has your week been? Anything interesting happening? Have you managed to work on your projects?

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.eeM
    11 months ago

    Cruise was amazing, I am honestly so so sad to be home 😭

    Kinda amazed that little corner of fabric even fit in the hoop, though admittedly “fit” is an exggeration it’s sort of barely clinging on at the sides. I’ll figure that part out later though. The frugal mind finds a way!