• The Cuuuuube@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    I view it as a useful over simplification. We can simplify politics all the way down to “Left/Right” but that ignores so much of what motivates and drives people. In our current political environment, an ecofascist and an anarchosyndicalist might both be labeled as “left” even though the only thing they have in common is thinking “Maybe we shouldn’t just destroy the planet?” so the political compass is an easy to print visual aid to help guide people to that political views exist along multiple spectrums. My personal view is that the current best “political quiz with information at the backend about who you fit with” is 9axes, and that’s mostly because we’ve gotten to a point where we’re ready to start labeling the political compass as “no longer a useful over simplification, and instead a gross oversimplification”

      • The Cuuuuube@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        Left and Right are far too ill defined in a complicated political system to say authoritarianism is inherently incompatible with leftism. The very first left / right split was between two different groups of authoritarians with one side wanting to a government similar to the prior monarchy they had enjoyed, and the other side establishing a brutal dictatorship that killed 40,000 people for not hating the concept of monarchy enough. We need a more complicated metaphor than Left / Right because otherwise we get stuck in “no true Scotsman” debates about the many different spectrums of opinion someone can have. I agree the political compass sucks, I don’t agree its a tool to coopt leftness by right wingers. I think, as I said, what we need is to start normalizing more complicated spectrum tools like 8values and 9axes