I keep seeing posts of some drama with typescript. What happened?

  • De_Narm@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Some rather big projects started to remove TS, which upset the community. One if not the biggest is Turbo, from the Ruby-on-Rails guy. He said: “[TS] pollutes the code with type gymnastics that add ever so little joy to my development experience, and quite frequently considerable grief. Things that should be easy become hard”. Now there is a bit of a battle whether or not TS is actually all that great.

      • lobut@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        They just say the typing is too much and JSDoc is good enough for them as they get intellisense from it.

        Svelte, Turbo and a few others I think.

      • buzziebee@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It’s more for library devs when writing their libraries. Using TS means you’re writing in one language and then distributing the compiled version for users.

        As users can use things in a lot of different ways you have to do a lot of type “gymnastics” to make your library API as useful as possible.

        That means spending a lot of time setting up types when a jsdoc and .d.ts file will do the same thing for library consumers.

        It’s really a non issue. If some library devs think they can ship code which is easier for them to maintain correctly, and end users have the same developer experience, then it’s totally cool.

        Of course people with no nuance are using this as an argument for why no one should write in typescript (because they don’t like it for some reason). This thread has a bunch of people doing this. That creates drama, but there really shouldn’t be any. TS is bae for me, but I totally get why library devs might want to not use it.