It’s incredible that people will buy this kind of crap for a ton of money!

    1 year ago

    have any SUV with this type of rearview mirror and honestly IMO it is the best driver assistive technological in a decade, in actual mirror mode I get a small view around 400 x 400 mm but in camera mode I get a full unobstructed view. I get the complaint about VR sickness as I had a few existential crisis’s when the vehicle was new but that issue passes with time and it is only an issue for people who have muscle memory that the rearview is a mirror, as this option becomes more popular younger generations won’t be affected by this.

        1 year ago

        The only issue I would have with something like this is the same issue I have with backup cameras (which I can’t live without anymore) is the visibility obstruction caused by condensation or precipitation. I’m in the Midwest and I regularly have my backup camera partially obstructed by water droplets or entirely covered by snow. I’ve had instances where I clean it before leaving and it’s obstructed by the time I get to my destination, so I’d be worried about losing the camera mirror the same way. Won’t be a big issue with a physical mirror, but still annoying.