Sorry if the title is confusing let me explain:

I like Lemmy and want to help it grow so I picked a community I’m passionate about (vaporents @ .world) and I’ve been trying to make content for it. I specifically wanted to make some guides on ball vapes because they are very new tech and pretty intimidating. I want to write guides that reference other posts with the words hyperlinked instead of pasting

Ex: " a diffuser ball vape head is capable of adding conductive heating if a heat soak is used, see my post here(hyperlinked) about conductive vs convective heating"

I was always a lurker on reddit so I’m not use to post syntax, I can do easy things like bold text, what’s the hyperlink syntax? Also I would love to hear any other useful post syntax tips!

    2 months ago

    Not sure what client you use but in the web UI you can click the Show Source button to see the source markdown that produced what you see, if you’re wondering how someone else achieved some formatting.