• TheFriar@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Trump doesn’t really tow the line though

    No, but their voters would sacrifice themselves to tow the line. That was my point.

    it’s doubtful that he can steal Biden votes by parroting trump positions.

    I dunno. There are plenty of relatively shallow thinking democrats. It’s called a “protest vote” for a reason.

    Liberal admins don’t debate procedural shit

    I didn’t mean “procedural shit” like inside baseball house floor procedural. I meant the voters are multifaceted and disagree on how to achieve what liberals and leftists can generally agree upon: social programs and the like. See what I’m saying? I’m really tired and I’m not explaining this well, but I’m saying even if leftists and liberals and democrats can all be somewhat on the same page about a general outcome they’d like to see, there are segments of that voting populace that would withhold their vote if the the issue is discussed isn’t exactly to their liking. The voters are finicky. On the right, the voters tow the line pretty much universally. No matter what happens, the republicans can’t seem to lose votes past a certain point. The democrats have to get a lot of stuff right for a pretty diverse group of voters, all in a row, to keep their voters turning out.

    cons demand their red meat and are willing to lose an election or two to guarantee it.

    If I’m understanding this correctly, I think I strongly disagree. But can you clarify this? Because I’m not sure I do actually understand what you mean.