My disabled friend just needs to make like $20 a day to afford what she needs.

I know there are a ton of like “fill out surveys to ear money” “play games to earn money” “Do this little task” but all the ones I’ve found give like… $1 an hour.

I know fiverr is an option, but I dunno if that is consistent enough when she needs to get moving.

Any websites that would let her sidegig when she feels up to it and isn’t trash pay?

      27 days ago

      And if she can’t yet draw, then please get her to invest in:

      • “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition”, by Betty Edwards
      • all the tools recommended in that book
      • a charcoals assortment ( I’ve no idea why Betty Edwards doesn’t understand how much easier it makes it to learn?! )
      • “The Simple Secret To Better Painting”
      • “Mastering Composition”

      and then dig-in.

      The 1st book many know-about.

      The 2nd, much-fewer do, so the advantage that someone has, when they’ve earned the meanings of both, becomes noticeable…

      The 3rd? That’s University-level better.

      Nobody who’s earned the meanings of all-3 is likely to remain at the bottom-of-the-heap in artwork…

      The 1st 2 books, however, are required for competing well.

      _ /\ _