• remkit@lemmy.kya.moe
      11 months ago

      If the cure to cancer were found, like a virus to prevent deaths from COVID-19, sites like Twitter and Lemmy would spread lies and disinformation and tell people to avoid authentic facts and science.

      Maybe, maybe not. It’s up to the reader to differentiate between facts and tales. I don’t see how that is relevant.

      Is it the pro-China stance of the developers that gives you blind faith in how their SQL TRIGGER code works or Rust logic?

      No, I believe the project is in need of a lot of polish. However, the way you act, makes me hope the polish does not come from you.

      I doubt your sincerity and think this is a social tactic you use, lies. Insincerity.


      The lies coming out of Elon Musk’s Twitter and the lies from Cambridge Analtica on Facebook make me ill. The constant people I meet in the USA who praise oil consumption and deny climate change science makes me sick. I didn’t stubble into Lemmy because I was healthy with crowds of people who flock to anything in “meme format” and praise authoritarian politicians and businessmen.

      Have you considered turning off your computer, and looking out the window? Looks like the problems you are facing can be solved rather easily. There is neither Twitter nor Facebook out the window.

        • flamingarms@beehaw.org
          11 months ago

          Yha, all the people around me are staring into their Smartphones and attacking humanism on social media like you are. I was just reading through y’all’s conversation and this piece stuck out to me. I read a lot of loneliness, hurt, and isolation in your comments, yo, and then I read this piece. Man, do I get that. That reminded me of me throughout high school and college; I didn’t feel like anyone saw what I saw. Which was pain. And if I’m being honest, I was seeing others’ pain, but I was mostly seeing my pain. I met my best friend late in college, and she was a god-send because she got me. She saw their pain too. And more importantly, she saw my pain and honored it, and that was such a relief.

          When I feel alone and isolated, I usually feel like withdrawing more. Since her, I’ve found that that’s usually a sign that I actually need to connect. I need to find others that get me. Not as another avenue to vent my frustrations and anger and pain, but as an avenue for joy, as an avenue for remembering that I am more than just my pain.

          That’s a lot of shit off the top of my head, and I dunno if you’ll resonate with any of it because I only know you as far as a few comments online. But wanted to write it in case it would resonate with you or anyone else.

          Take care of yourselves, y’all.

            • flamingarms@beehaw.org
              11 months ago

              Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree; I wish we were better at honoring our united pain and each other’s pain. As you and I both know, that’s not the case on a grand scale, and why I think it’s so important for us to build and find our smaller communities that do.

              Have a good weekend too, yo!

    • argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      If the cure to cancer were found, like a virus to prevent deaths from COVID-19, sites like Twitter and Lemmy would spread lies and disinformation and tell people to avoid authentic facts and science.

      They would try, but they would fail. COVID-19 is history now, because of vaccination, despite the best efforts of anti-vax death cultists to stop it.

        • argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
          11 months ago

          There were pictures and diagrams of the virus. There was even art made in the virus’ likeness.

          I’ve never seen a claim that COVID-19 was caused by anything other than an observable physical object. There have been many claims that it’s a manmade bioweapon and that vaccines are ineffective and harmful, but I’ve never heard of someone claiming it’s an intangible curse from God or something.