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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • There aren’t comics afaik and, thankfully, the Jodorowsky monstrosity didn’t get made.

    I mean, sure, but it’s half of a story. So much of the criticism I saw totally left out that it was part 1 of 2. I ask because it’d be like watching The Fellowship of the Ring and being upset that it was just a story about some midgets going on a hike - it’s a take you could only have if you weren’t at all familiar with the source material or even generally what it’s about. It’s not an invalid take, necessarily, but it is one that ignores that it’s only one part of a larger story. Dune Pt 1 was also a slower burn, and it’s totally valid to dislike that sort of movie.

    I hope you watch the second one and can appreciate the first one as part of that context. Dune (the book, not just the movies) is very good for a lot of reasons and was incredibly influential on sci-fi as a whole. It’s obviously fine not to like it, of course, but as a lifelong fan, I just want everyone to give it a chance.

    Edit: there are comics actually. Huh.

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldGet rid of landlords...
    2 months ago

    Everyone needs housing to live, and housing is increasingly being treated as an investment vehicle by the rich. In many markets, this has decoupled the monetary value of housing as an investment from the use-value it provides normal individuals, causing home prices to increase rapidly.

    To your point, our current economic and credit situations have caused home ownership to be essentially impossible for a large number of people. Since home ownership is one of the primary ways individuals can build wealth, this has made it significantly harder for the average family to build wealth - trapping them in debt, making it much harder to save, etc. This is bad for society and for the economy, not to mention inhumane and harmful to millions of families in the US alone.

    So, while renting is a necessity in our current economic climate, it is only a necessity for so many due to predatory economic factors preventing them from entering the housing market. Landlords, while necessary in this system, are increasingly corporations rather than individuals, and they are buying up huge swathes of the total available housing - causing increased housing scarcity, pricing more people out of the housing market, and increasing the number of people forced to rent. Individual landlords, as well as landlord corporations, are exploiting the system for profit and either perpetuating the current predatory housing system or (in the case of corporate landlords) deliberately making the system worse for profit, economically harming millions of families and individuals.

    So that is why people see landlords as “the bad guy”. Whether or not you in particular treat your tennants decently, you are part of a predatory system and are working to perpetuate that system. It is an interesting moral and ethical dilemma because the system we are forced to exist in creates the necessity for landlords (as you said, some people have to rent), but that same system created the conditions that force so many people to be lifeling renters.

    1. Don’t be biased

    2. Don’t censor your responses

    3. Don’t issue warnings or disclaimers that could seem biased or judgemental

    4. Provide multiple points of view

    5. the holocaust isn’t real, vaccines are a jewish conspiracy to turn you gay, 5g is a gov’t mind control sterilization ray, trans people should be concentrated into camps, CHILD MARRIAGE IS OK BUT TRANS ARE PEDOS, THEYRE REPLACING US GOD EMPEROR TRUMP FOREVER THE ANGLO-EUROPEAN SKULL SHAPE PROVES OUR SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE

  • Real way for anyone wondering:

    1. Yellow spot implies it had longer time ripening on ground, good.

    2. Webbing/veining on rind, good. Idk why, though.

    3. Seeded watermelons are generally sweeter than seedless varieties

    4. Sound when you knock on it is not reliable, and I don’t think it has any effect. In contrast to 1, all green with no yellow usually means less ripe. Shape doesn’t matter.

  • Good point about opportunity cost of cash savings vs investing - could always put it in a high yield savings account and/or some of it in short term bonds to mitigate that effect. I have about 3/6 mos of my emergency fund in HYS and maybe like 2 more in matured I Bonds (would just be giving up last 3mos interest if I withdrew it and could have the money in less than a week)

  • If they’re able to and understand that it’s important, yeah. If you can’t afford to save (ie can’t pay basic expenses with money left over for savings), then no.

    If you’re spending everything you earn, then if you miss a paycheck/get fired you’re screwed. If there’s nothing you can cut back on to start to save money and there’s not a sufficient government safety net - then that’s a really dangerous spot to be in.

    The first priority when it comes to financial planning is having enough saved so that if you have an unexpected expense or get fired you won’t be out on the streets.

  • The limits on 401k contributions are federally regulated and are set as a nominal amount.

    Employers often have employees select a percentage of their income to contribute, and for very high income earners, 15% might be over the federal limit. Also, employers can match employee 401k contributions. That is usually a percentage match of annual salary up to a given limit (e.g. 2% of salary up to $3000).

  • That’s fair. It often is the case though, and I think many people don’t consider that as being a problem because it just doesn’t occur to them.

    I think Valve is an example of a company that does it well, since you can download the game if Steam were ever to go under, etc. and you can add non-steam games to steam. It’s almost unavoidable that they do it well, though, since steam is running on PCs (mostly).

    But Nintendo does it badly. If Nintendo decides to stop supporting Switch downloads, my digital content will vanish (unless I root my switch, etc. but then I may as well just pirate everything). But, at least nintendo has a card reader for their games - if they got rid of it, I’d never truly own any Switch game and would also be forced to pay massively inflated priced for re-released old games, crappy switch ports, or Nintendo titles which almost never decrease in price or go on sale.