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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • As others have said, the inner child is an incredibly useful metaphor for trauma/therapy. The way your brain reacts to trauma is to basically create a bookmark of you at that time. If you manage to live through the trauma, then clearly, the emotions you felt and the actions you took worked perfectly!

    Well, that was probably true in prehistory, but nowadays it’s a big fucking stupid liability. Like, for example, say I’m doing my adult job at $company and my coworker Todd Fuckwit (esq.) says something shitty about suicide that reminds my brain of an old bookmark. All of the sudden, my emotional state is transported back to when Young Badabinski saw the results of a parental suicide attempt and thought it was entirely their fault and Badabinski deserved it (Important note, this is not regular PTSD with vivid hallucinations/flashbacks, this is more about emotions). Now I’m freaking out in the meeting room and abruptly leave because I feel like a 12 year old who has just had their world ended, and escaping us what I did back then.

    The way you heal this is to try to create a connection with that bookmark of yourself and then give yourself what you needed back then. Over many therapy sessions, I was able to help young Badabinski realize that none of that was their fault, that they didn’t deserve to see that, and that they should have had the warm and loving care of both of their parents. And you know what? It really fucking worked.

    For more chronic cases (like a lot of emotional neglect), your inner child is just kinda… There? Like, the bookmark part of the metaphor breaks down a bit. Your inner child represents the tender emotions that were left unhandled and childhood needs that were left unmet. A lot of my therapy nowadays is helping my inner child feel less deprived and more loved on a day-to-day basis, because if I don’t take care of myself enough in the ways I need, then my brain will pull up the chronic inner child and I’ll be miserable for days/weeks/months. In contrast, the parts of my life where I’ve permanently changed my day-to-day behavior feel so much more fulfilling and wonderful. It’s not just about avoiding the negatives, you end up focusing more on achieving the positive.

    I personally like describing it as a metaphor. I was a bit of an angry skeptic when I was younger (due to the aforementioned parent moving to a bunch of new-age crystal healing shit after their recovery and then trying to push it on me when I absolutely did not believe in the validity of those methods), so I didn’t like how metaphysical and “touchy-feely” an inner child felt. I’m no longer skeptical of this idea am a much more emotionally liberated person. I often think of my inner child as if it were an active presence in my mind (it feels more effective to do so for me). It took a lot of time time for me to reach that place. I believe that explaining it as a metaphor will get through to people who would otherwise spurn the concept. Metaphor or not, I still want to help the little human that is past me, and I’d love to be able to drink a potion that would let me talk to that twelve year old.

  • I tip 20% or $5 on takeout orders, whatever is larger (provided nothing goes terribly wrong). I have the means, and I remember how much I fucking hated working in retail. I depend on these people to feed me and I appreciate that they’re willing to do it (especially with how poorly they get treated at times). If I can make someone’s day better then it’s worth it to me.

    That being said, I hate tip culture and wish that the laws in my country around tipping would change. This is getting off topic now (since I think that the people doing takeout orders aren’t subject to this), but it’s absurd that we let restraunts pay $3.50 an hour if someone is making the rest of the minimum wage in tips. If I tip someone, I want it to be because I really appreciate what they did. I don’t want to be paying their wages, they should be receiving a livable wage no matter what. I know that refusing to tip won’t change that, so I just go along with it.

  • Sodium-ion batteries appear promising. Like, the energy density by weight of the current market offerings is absolutely too low to be useful for vehicles, but there’s hope that can be improved in a relatively short timescale. Prices should be pretty good when factories finish tooling up, and most chemistries use no rare earth metals. Current densities seem great for grid storage, which is where hydrogen has the most potential right now (imo).

    I still like the idea of hydrogen for some forms of transportation (freight trains, container ships, possibly aircraft if energy density could be increased or aircraft weight decreased somehow) and as a strategic emergency energy reserve. It’d be great to have more grid resilience as the environment continues to decay. I just worry about the energy costs that come with transporting hydrogen for cars and individual transport. Pipelines seem like they’d be challenging, and trucking it around seems a bit wasteful. In-situ generation would be ideal if power and water are available and hydrolysis can be made more efficient and compact, but that’s not possible everywhere.

    I dunno. I’m glad it’s not my job to figure out the actual energy cost of everything, but I’m really hoping grid-scale sodium-ion batteries will become a reality sooner rather than later, and that we’ll see sodium-ion batteries in cars within the next 10-15 years.

  • Badabinski@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's with all the tech layoffs?
    5 months ago

    I want to offer my perspective on the AI thing from the point of view of a senior individual contributor at a larger company. Management loves the idea, but there will be a lot of developers fixing auto-generated code full of bad practices and mysterious bugs at any company that tries to lean on it instead of good devs. A large language model has no concept of good or bad, and it has no logic. It’ll happily generate string-templated SQL queries that are ripe for SQL injection. I’ve had to fix this myself. Things get even worse when you have to deal with a shit language like Bash that is absolutely full of God awful footguns. Sometimes you have to use that wretched piece of trash language, and the scripts generated are horrific. Remember that time when Steam on Linux was effectively running rm -rf /* on people’s systems? I’ve had to fix that same type of issue multiple times at my workplace.

    I think LLMs will genuinely transform parts of the software industry, but I absolutely do not think they’re going to stand in for competent developers in the near future. Maybe they can help junior developers who don’t have a good grasp on syntax and patterns and such. I’ve personally felt no need to use them, since I spend about 95% of my time on architecture, testing, and documentation.

    Now, do the higher-ups think the way that I do? Absolutely not. I’ve had senior management ask me about how I’m using AI tooling, and they always seem so disappointed when I explain why I personally don’t feel the need for it and what I feel its weaknesses are. Bossman sees it as a way to magically multiply IC efficiency for nothing, so I absolutely agree that it’s likely playing a part in at least some of these layoffs.

  • In addition to the fact that it’s not just English via hand gestures, I believe it’s done because sign language is speech, with all of the benefits that comes with. There are extra channels of communication present in sign language beyond just the words. There’s equivalents of tone and inflection, and (I beleive) even accents. Like, this video of this lady performing “Fuck You” in ASL is what made it click for me when I first saw it many years ago. She’s just so fucking expressive, in a way that subtitles could never be.

    EDIT: changed my wording to be more accurate, since sign language literally is speech through a different medium. There’s no need to draw an unnecessary boundary.

  • Badabinski@kbin.socialtoLinux@lemmy.mleGPU docks?
    6 months ago

    I have an AKiTiO Node Titan eGPU enclosure with a GTX 1070 hooked up to an Ubuntu 22.04 laptop and it’s working pretty well. I’m doing PCI passthrough to an Arch Linux VM, since my company mandated that all Linux users must use Ubuntu. To stave off comments about this, I’ll say that it’s not just that I dislike Ubuntu. They’re requiring me to lock down so much stuff that I can’t do my job. Plus, the endpoint security sensor on the host plays absolute hell with anything that uses heavy multiprocessing. The GPU (with external monitors), second NVMe drive, mouse, keyboard, audio interface, microphone, webcam, 30 gigs of RAM, and 11 CPU cores are passed to the VM, and the host OS gets the laptop GPU + monitor and my continuing disdain.

    I’ve been using this setup for a month. My experience thus far has been positive. I start the computer up with or without the GPU connected, connect the GPU if I haven’t yet, launch my VM via libvirt, and things just work. I really thought I’d have more problems with the GPU, but the USB passthrough stuff has been the truly problematic part (I can’t just pass the whole PCI USB controller for IOMMU reasons). It’s important to note that the GPU displays directly to external monitors. I think it’s possible to like, send the data back to your laptop screen? But I really didn’t want that.

    (As an aside, the security people at my company have no problems with VMs lol. They know what I’ve done and they don’t seem to care).

  • I think the OP clearly doesn’t like that they have this reaction (as someone else pointed out, and as you acknowledged). I think I understand why you might think this came from a lack of empathy. You like kids, what could be wrong with them acting like kids do? Sure, they’re loud, but it’s not that big of a deal! This person must have no empathy, because if they did, they’d be fine with it. People with no empathy are psychopaths, so OP must be a psychopath.

    I think you’re already starting to see what’s wrong with that line of reasoning, which I really appreciate. Just to restate it here, the OP probably doesn’t hate children, they just have problems with overstimulation (possibly misophonia or autism spectrum stuff). Not everyone has experienced overstimulation, but I can assure you that at best, it makes you reaaally cranky. Feelings of rage aren’t surprising to me. If the OP wants, there are coping strategies and things they can do to help themselves in certain circumstances, but they’re not wrong or bad. Their brain just works differently from other folks, and this is one of the effects of that.

    It’s not society’s job to fix this (because kids have the right to be kids, and kids are kinda loud sometimes, even if you’re trying to teach them to be mindful of their volume), but I think that it’s generally good to try and show some empathy, or at least ask questions in good faith if you don’t understand well enough to empathize.

    I’d implore you to communicate with a bit more intent. Calling someone a psychopath is a pretty serious thing to do! Did you intend to hurt someone’s feelings that much? Or were you just confused and a bit angry, and came to that conclusion in haste? There’s a person on the other side of this conversation who has feelings, and they’re asking here for help. They’re trying to improve themselves, and I don’t think you’d want to say that type of thing to someone who’s just trying to live a better life.

  • As much as I despise Oracle and the lawn mower man known as Larry Ellison, I don’t think this is a problem. Oracle also had a lot to do with btrfs, and while that filesystem has problems, they’re not the sort of problems usually associated with Oracle (i.e. rapacious capitalistic practices like patent trolling and suing the fuck out of everyone all the time always). Oracle won’t own XFS, it’s owned by every single person who has ever contributed to that codebase.

  • Badabinski@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt's true
    1 year ago

    While I’m glad that furries have a nice space where they can (hopefully) not be harassed, I decided I could use a bit less furry porn in my life. On kbin (on mobile, in the PWA), you can block a domain by searching for it (I think it was yiffit.net, but I can’t remember), then click the kbin logo at the top right, then scroll down to where you see /d/yiffit.net, then click the little block icon. I’m sure Lemmy has the same capability, but I don’t know how to do it. With that, the new feed has a lot less porn lol.

    EDIT: it was yiffit.net, not furryit.net