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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Yeah, common VPSes are monitored too, it’s a very easy add. Alert on IP ranges from a publicly maintained and easy to find list is not a hard ask. If you ran it through AWS, it would probably pass a lot of basic checks. Using residential IPs will probably get you a bit of time, but I can’t imagine there being a good way to do that without it being very hard for the VPN provider to keep up and very easy for a security company to just make a new list of IPs and assume the whole range is bad.

    Your best defense here though is that your cybersecurity team probably doesn’t care that you’re doing this once it’s determined that you aren’t a malicious actor as long as you aren’t creating too many alerts.

  • I know this is a really common comparison, but I feel like this is also kind of weird. I personally believe both should be legal with obvious constraints in the realm of drunk driving/etc. Basically, do what you want with your body as long as you aren’t risking undue harm on others.

    Main point though, I don’t feel like it’s a sound argument to equate the legality of alcohol to the legality of marijuana. Making either illegal is shaky on their own merits and trying to put both in the same category makes both look unfavorable.

  • They have been open to peace and tried to negotiate peacefully far before October 7.

    You’re saying they want peace then describing them as a violent resistance. Those don’t match up.

    “khamas evil evil evil”

    They’re unapologetically and unashamedly a terrorist organization and describe themselves as such. You’re the only one confused. They publicly claim responsibility for acts of terror like the below:

    Hamas Suicide Bombings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks#:~:text=A%202007%20study%20of%20Palestinian,PFLP)%20and%202.7%25%20by%20other%20and%202.7%25%20by%20other)

    Hamas’s government is built upon israel never accepting any peaceful deal

    Partially correct, but misleading, the charter that Hamas was founded on:

    Hamas’ government was built on a requirement for violent jihad and fantasizing about the death of all jews (it’s specifically in the charter). The government charter specifically speaks against negotiating for peace. Notable extra callouts railing against equal rights for women, codifying them as exclusively ‘homemakers’ and ‘child rearers’. A whole special section just to state that womens suffrage was something the west made up just to make them specifically look bad.

    Your next comment should be something along the lines of “I give up on this, you’re obviously not listening to this stuff I made up”. Make sure to include a segue with an analogy comparing it to something else though.

  • None of the single violent resistances…

    It’s hard line to tow, but if you are going to say they’re open to peace, you got to stick to it.

    If you believe all those people that were willing to risk their lives to stand up against oppression in the past were super nice and educated about the whole situation you’re in for a big treat.
    The IRA and the ANC are not the nice guys you think they were which only targeted military and politicians. And don’t google what the Haitians did during their rebellion against slavery.

    No one is interested in bringing any of this into the conversation.

    Hamas is very much on the lower end of civilian casualty rates for a resistance group.

    This is where I have a problem, you’re framing ‘lower end of civilian casualty’ as a good statistic to look at and a sign that one side is somehow ‘noble’. People are trying really hard to frame it as a battle of good vs evil, where in reality it’s just a battle of evil vs evil, but one side is dramatically less effective and has less resources. The wikipedia article on suicide bombings Hamas has claimed credit for isn’t small and that’s just covering one type of terrorism.

    It’s horrible for the Palestinian civilians, but Hamas has built their entire government on the idea of perpetual war and specifically not negotiating a solution. I hope I’m wrong, but I personally don’t see a peaceful solution here where both sides are still around.