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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Based on my definitions. Owning the 3 rental properties makes you owner class as that is private property, also when you pay off the mortgages you are going to be in a great spot right?

    Farms are weird, if you only had the farm and have hired nobody else to help you run it then working class. If you hire people, well then you are owner class.

    You both also have jobs on top of running a farm? Out of curiosity how do you have the time to manage your farm and work at the same time?

  • Her: I don’t mind most people. But racists? I could do without racists.

    Him: Don’t say that out loud!

    racist: Pardon me, I couldn’t help but overhear…

    Him: Now you’ve done it


    My edit kind of ruins the whole sea lion sealioning visual joke but I hope my point comes across well enough.

    I am sure some people who troll racist would do some sealioning but they are doing it in bad faith cus. Ya know, racists.

    I get that you can group people based on race but you can also do it based on what they believe in, which I feel the latter is what most people thought David Malki was going for.

  • I have seen many adverts rich people make so heres a schedule:

    Wake up at 4am

    Get dressed 4-5

    Go to gym 5-7

    Get changed 7-8

    Eat breakfast 8-8:30

    Read newspaper 8:30-9

    Work 9-12

    Lunch 12-13

    Hit the club 13-17

    Dinner 17-18

    Club again 18-?

    Do these and you will be a billionare in no time. If you are an older gentleman replace the club with golf.