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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月6日


  • For tipping countries like the US, the driver would only get a “has a tip” notification on the order (if they get any information like that at all!) so they can decide. There is no way the driver can see that there is a $40 order with a $4 tip, or a $40 order with a $16 dollar tip. Orders would be ignored all the time, and the service would fail.

    Oh, and if they did get a “has tip” flag for the order, then customers could just game it, by selecting “add tip” and setting it to $0 or $0.10 or something so their order gets that “has tip” flag!!

    Here is AU, there is no tipping, so the drivers get paid like normal people. None of this work for tip bullshit that seems to have survived this long in the US, its incredible that it has gotten this far. Now the US get asked for tips using self-service machines, that is the height of lunacy!

  • I know this is not useful for most use cases, but if you login to the desktop on the ‘remote Wayland’, locally first then RD will work as expected. So if you can change the behaviour of the remote desktop to stay unlocked (IE its in a secure place where others cannot just access the device), then and RD will work with Wayland.

    I use NoMachine (since I manage all sorts of devices, and its nice that there is a client and server for everything including phones/arm) and it works for me because many of the machines are actually VM’s and I can keep the desktops unlocked and logged in. NoMachines solution for Wayland - is to disable it and use X11 !!

    But I wish many of the RD developers would just embrace Wayland and add/rewrite code to support it (If it is in their scope, I don’t know) It might not be, since I am aware of Waypipe and Pipewire, but I’d assume that RD devs would still need to include support for that.

  • As I have said in the past, there are plenty of good free ones, and there are also spotweb (spotnab) sites that are great as long as your a fast (ie dcma).

    Also the “arrrs” were designed with usenet first, its not an afterthought.

    if you want to get access to good indexers, then yeah you may need to wait until you get am invite or an invite period opens, but you have to do this, its just how they operate.

    you can do torrents and usenet in your arrr, at the same time. So nothing stops you from having both.

    but the SPEED AND RELEASES youll see on usenet are unsurpassed and probably at least a week earlier than on your torrent sites.

    Also you can run your own indexer for usenet (wont be as good as some because it wont deal with obfuscated posts, but as a backup it will be fine)

    Id suggest you go down the rabbit hole and decide for yourself if you like it, you can always cancel.

    oh and usenet is encrypted (if you enable it, ie port 563) so not much chance of knowing what your are doing. No more than a VPN company letting on to what a user was doing.

  • i should give jellyfin another shot, its been some years. When i tried it last, it was not a nice experience. But i refused to use plex after it required login for even offline access (i wonder how many people remember that. If you lost internet access, you couldnt watch plex)

    so i switched to Emby, which is still closed source, but didnt have the bullshit plex requirements. The advantage was [sic] that being closed it could offer proprietary stuff like codecs or DTS. (dts and similar were only available on plex and on nVidia TV device)

    Everything i do (as much as possible) is oss, but some things just cant.

    Ill try jellyfin again in the next month or so and see how its doing.

  • Welp, their threat doesn’t affect me. I have no care for that barbaric country.

    Besides, I’ve blocked everything geo-labelled as Russia anyway, it makes for much easier firewall logs. Honestly “the West” as russians say, should flat out block the entire country to our internet.

    This would stop a lot of hacking and exploiting, and they’re basically dictating everything to their people at this point, so let them just become a new N.Korea.

    They want our tech, they don’t want to co-op or collab with the West and everything they have/do is inferior. Cut them off at the neck.

    (Im biased, my mother’s parents were Polish and Ukraine, and I’ve been to both places many times and russia is an arsehat in general)

  • Let me offer another thought, if you are literally hanging on to windows for this, you could set up a VM in linux for this task. This is how I manage win only apps like my security client (camera vms). You have a license for windows, make it more useful. (and no rebooting to swap!)

    Or, a little more controversial, choose another player instead of Apple ipod. Plenty alternates that just work with linux.

    I used to have an ipod 20 years ago, and there was a linux “itunes” application, but I doubt its still maintained, or apple has made it impossible for 3rd parties to manage an ipod.