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Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • There’s also that team that built a mobile fish tank that the fish controlled, which proved that fish could learn and retain a task.

    They taught the using food rewards, then the fish were allowed to just wander around places (although, they had to be supervised incase the drove in risky ways).

    The study also showed that some fish (within the same species) were smarter or at least, better at the training than others.

  • I don’t get where do the “regular” balloon danglers come from… Do they just choose to go up with a balloon?

    The balloons are stories right? Like it’s a visual metaphor… But then does that mean people are only reading one story per person in the entire world?

    How did people end up in the bog? Did they just let go of a story they didn’t like? So are the danglers are people writing stories rather than reading them, and the danglers are the authors?

    That makes sense… A comic book author writing about an aggrandised version of themselves. That checks out from my experience hanging out with authors… But they don’t give away or latch on to each others stories that I’ve seen, that doesn’t seem common.

    Where do the danglers come from again? Because the guy constructing the balloon wasn’t dangling from it… Are the green people minions in some reading dimension?

    I don’t think I really get the metaphor. Maybe it’s just not supposed to be examined. Lots of fiction collapses under examination.

  • I use the cheapest serrated knives, they come in a set of four, and are idiots who each take a tiny bite of food when you move them along.

    … perhaps they’re not even knives, but are wood saws for food.

    Your grandfather’s knives could whisper to them 24/7 until their bodies rust, they’d still just be my little idiots who cost four dollars and only cut when I move them along.

    And cut they do, just with no sense of danger or spite, they only take their tiny portions and giggle until it’s their turn again. Which is only when I move them, back and forth until they get through.