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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • There is a pretty good reasons why shopping local is better in the long run:

    The money you put in stays local in large parts or entirely and keeps the comminuty alive, paying peoples jobs, who in turn pay other people once they buy local.

    Large companies siphon the communities wealth away until there is nothing left, before closing shop and running of to the next victim, leaving empoverisht people behind.

    The effect is compounding. The more local shops close, the more other jobs dissappear and the less people have. Then they are forced to move away or buy less in general. Other firms cant hold their workers and have to cut down wages, or let people go due to reduced business operstion because no one can afford their services, continuing the spiral.

    At the end of that process, all you will find are dollar-stores and junkfood-chains in your area. It happened a few times already and the effect is well understood.

    TLDR: Shopping local is good for the community, buying everything online is siphoning money away from it instead.

  • Just in case, I assume this opion is brought forth in good faith.

    While you could might be correct on paper, the reality is that between “Helping prevent Genocide” and “Anything else” is much clearer.

    Does that make you a russian bot? I would say yes, it does. Because there is no middle ground here, no “enlightend centrist”, towering over us plebs who care for human lives not being devastet.

    Maybe the Ukrain Goverment has a problem with corruption, hell I agree it probably does. Every Government has to deal with this.

    What not every Goverment has is an active Genocide waged against its people.

    Having corruption does not excuse to allow Genocide. And stading idly by is doing just that!

  • I find the quantification of very emotional topics not very helpfull in the long run:

    What counts as “10% better”?

    Do you know if the number, should it even exist, stays consistent? Or that you got the “correct one”?

    My advice:

    Find out what you seek out in a relathionship, what you want to avoid, and then talk about it.

    Because “10% better” could just mean the other guy is driving more carefull with the family-car, doesnt chew with an open mouth or shaves more often.

  • Unpopular Take:

    Having superstition, religion and pseudo-science persisting and thriving in your society turns into systemic problems eventually. Including Genocide.

    Why? Because it teaches people anti-empiricism, emotional “reasoning” and essentialising people. All these are the basis for every reactionary thought, conservative brainrot, religious extremism and eventually denying reality.

    Studies back this up. Most of the alt-right are very religious, “skeptic” of science or inclined to mysticism. (Remember Ivermectin and Faith Healing? I do.) This shit even goes back to the OG Nazis in the Third Reich. They loved their mystical stuff and pseudo-science.

    Why thing thinking pattern leads down the drain is very simple.There is no fundamental difference between between:

    People cant be together because of their sign and
    People cant be together because of their skin color

    Both times the logic of this methode is the same. No truth, only vibes.

    Why we should keep either is beyond me.