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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Yeah, I had to go back to Reddit.

    To be honest, I never had issues with the official app as I barely used it since 95% of my Reddit time was via Safari on my iPad Pro. Slide for Reddit was the only iPadOS app anywhere close to Sync for Android, which I adored, so after trying multiple times basically every single app, I never could stick with any but the official.

    I deleted my 30K karma account in solidarity with the people who used third party apps and because I was incredibly angered at the stance that moronic rat-face of a CEO took, but so far the demographic of the Fediverse is huge on topics I couldn’t care less about. My Kbin frontpage was filled with LGBTQ+, US Politics, Ukraine, shitty meme communities, people mourning about their deleted Reddit accounts, and massive circle jerks regarding Reddit, while the communities I used to follow are non-existent here or are depressingly abandoned.

    The biggest Solo RPG community on the Fediverse has been running for over a year, and it has ~40 posts, mostly made by a single dude. Others have said “Be the change!” but I’d end up repeating the Solo RPG case of posting literally for my own eyes. I’d definitely do it once Ernest can figure out how to make Kbin show embedded images on posts, instead of just creating hyperlinks to them, but in the meantime, all my communities are still on Reddit and I doubt that will change for a long time.

  • Right. It’s a Reddit-esque reaction, when literally the very own comment section of that incredible piece of journalism is filled with people calling the author disingenuous. But what kind of nuanced discussion you expected to happen when you only typed a single sentence? Have you played the game? What’s your opinion about it?

    Anyway, let’s have a nuanced discussion about the article:

    The author spends one third of the article praising Jill as a character because she’s fiery, emotional, has killed people and is the powerful vessel of inhuman powers that she gets to control. And then goes to compare her with Hello Kitty, a mute character, despite Jill having more lines and screen time than any other character, besides the main one. Why? Because she’s a composed character and doesn’t crack to pressure.

    And this is what really makes me roll my eyes: The author claims Jill is like Hello Kitty for not saying much, but then cites Clive brushing off a ton of pain and and anguish saying “It was nothing.” So now both the main male character and the secondary female one are Hello Kitties for keeping things for themselves? But the problem for the author is that we see the main character, Clive, later exploding from all the pain and pressure, but Jill doesn’t get that scene for herself, and when Clive explodes she’s an spectator.

    Then her normal relationship with Clive is seen as a problem by the author because patriarchy. Her being pretty? A problem because “there are studies that show that pretty people are often seen as smart and kind”. Her being “cisgender” and white? A problem.

    In my opinion, the author is literally looking for any reason to complain about the game. “Jill should be more than pretty” reads off as “Jill’s and Clive’s roles should’ve been swapped, Jill should’ve been queer, ugly, and anything but white.” in all Kotaku’s fashion.

    And regarding you blaming me for being part of a problem you felt in your gut, well, I’d just tell you to grow some thicker skin because an expected opposing opinion shouldn’t be a deterrent to voice yours. You wanted to have a nuanced discussion but I’ve yet to read your opinion on Jill as a character and the article.

  • After being with Steam for over a decade and disliking it more and more, I ended up trying everything to maintain myself away from that platform and GOG was a godsend.

    There’s a public list that has all the GOG releases that treat the GOG customers like “third class citizens”, but if the game I want is not on that list, I will 100% buy it there over any other storefront. It’s great to read they’re doing well.

  • When I bought my iPad Pro I imagined I’d have this thing filled with gigabytes of handwritten text but that’s not the case at all. It’s not even the feeling of pen and paper that makes not want to use the iPad… it’s the immediate access to write and read what I want, that only a notebook and pen can provide. The iPad is filled with other apps and distractions, it heats up when you rest your palm on it, there’s always this anxiousness of balancing brightness and battery life.

    Also, with handwritten messages you can convey so much more that it’s impossible to do with typed text. You can determine how fast or how methodical the person was while writing. You can convey emotions by how much strength you use or by the size and kerning of the letters, and also, a lot of the personality traits of the writer are mirrored on their calligraphy.

    And yes, typing with a keyboard is so much faster, which enables me to ramble, which I often do I and I just did.