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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • FaeDrifter@midwest.socialtoRisa@startrek.websiteCrystals good, fungus bad
    7 months ago

    Discovery also had hologram communication technology that I guess was also a secret? Starfleet went back to flatscreens for everything and didn’t use holograms again until the 24th century.

    If it was just one thing, okay, but there were such numerous inconsistencies, it was like the writers and designers did not care about trek, they were writing a sci-fi show with the trek name slapped on top.

    It’s totally possible to respect the heritage of old sci-fi - look at The Mandalorian and Andor - maintaining consistency with the old retro sci-fi aesthetic actually elevates them above what a modern redesign would have done.

  • This sounds like a great idea!

    I’ll clarify, I’m just putting out a reminder that being fascist is not an inherent trait, like green eyes or dark skin. Literally anyone can fall into the trap of fascist thinking. The only way to be truly anti-fascist is to recognize the warning signs in your own thoughts and worldview.

    So centrism can sometimes be a trap, but don’t demonize the practice of seeing both sides. Taking a hard line with one sides is a step on the path to becoming a fascist.

  • No journalists on the ground found any indication of a mass casualty event on Tiananmen Square

    ON Tiananmen Square. This is fascist-level wordplay. The same journalists found a massacre all around Tiananmen Square in the rest of Beijing.

    no evidence that Chinese tanks actually killed anyone on 6/4

    This is just a straight up lie. Lots of people were killed in Beijing. Just possibly not any within the tiny physical confines of Tiananmen Square itself.

  • FaeDrifter@midwest.socialtoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    If the 3 biggest OS were all FOSS, I would agree.

    Right now, Linux is the ONLY major OS that respects user freedom and privacy. Full stop.

    The community around Linux isn’t there because user preference; the real reason it exists and so many people are passionate about it is because FOSS software is the difference between a future that looks like Star Trek, and one that looks like Cyberpunk 2077.

  • They ruled that people acting together have all the same rights that they would have acting individually

    Bullshit, corporations are not “people acting together”, they’re autocratic command structures where one or few people hold all the power.

    preventing someone from spending money on producing and promoting their speech effectively prevents them from being heard

    Also total bullshit, unless you agree that allowing people to be poor is a violation of the first amendment, because being poor effectively prevents them from being heard. Which you won’t.

    Which are both perfectly true, common-sense statements

    I’m already confident you don’t have a single ounce of common sense in your empty head after reading those two sentences.