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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • There’s probably a lot of different variables, cows vs bulls, the breed, how they’re being raised, if they have calves with them, how you’re behaving, etc.

    In general though, safest bet is always going to be to give them space and not approach them. Not to say they’re necessarily going to be aggressive or anything, but that’s just kind of rule number 1 with any animals you’re not familiar with.

    Annecdotally, when I was a teenager, I did Philmont, which is a big property the Boy Scouts of America (now changing their name to Scouting America) owns in New Mexico, where scouts can go backpacking. They also maintain a working cattle ranch there, and I believe so e of the neighboring ranches allow their cattle to (grave? Free range? Roam? I’m not sure of the correct terminology) the Philmont property, so it’s not uncommon to encounter cows in various places there.

    They give pretty much the same lecture, don’t approach them, don’t do anything to spook them, and give them some space.

    At one point my group was hiking along a trail coming to a junction, and a few dozen cows came down the trail we were about to head up and went into the woods. We weren’t super close to them, but it was probably about the closest I’ve been to a cow outside of a petting zoo in my life, and there was nothing but a few yards of open trail between us. We just stood back and watched them go about their business, the cows didn’t pay any attention to us, we hung out for a couple minutes after they passed in case there were any stragglers, and sure enough there was a lone cow that came running down the trail trying to catch up with its friends.

    I’m no cow-ologist, but my general understanding is that they tend to be fairly laid back, and if anything curious. That said, they’re big, powerful animals and you don’t want to spook them.

  • It of course varries from one school or area to another, and from different age groups.

    I ended up going to 4 proms, my own junior and senior proms, the senior prom my junior year because a girl asked me, and then I ended up dating a girl at another high school after I graduated and ended up going to her senior prom (in case anyone’s getting skeeved at that, we were both 18 at the time we started dating, just a few months difference between us, I just barely made the cutoff to be part of the previous grade and she just missed it)

    That last prom was the only one where I was actually dating my date, the other 3 we just went as friends, although I did have a pretty big crush on the girl I took to both of my own proms but could never quite work up the nerve to ask her out.

    There were never any elaborate promposals or anything, that was just starting around that time and hadn’t quite caught on yet, my sister a couple years behind me did it, nothing too elaborate I think she gave her friend a cake and balloons.

    The promposal thing is mostly just that it’s silly and fun, and nowadays I guess it probably makes for a funny tiktok.

    Prom was not a particularly big deal in my area, if I had to attach any particular significance to it, it’s just that it’s kind of your first “adult” formal event that you’re attending for your own sake, not because you’re going to a cousins wedding, not something like your first communion or bar mitzvah or whatever when you’re still very much a kid. You get to dress up, you get a fancy meal, you rent a limo, maybe you go to a cool post-prom party and you’re going to be out till the wee hours of the morning mostly left to your own devices. It’s fun for its own sake, and the kind of event most teens don’t really get to experience very often.

  • I was in Montreal for the eclipse, I’m sure it was a very busy tourist weekend and they were ready for the influx of us English speakers coming to town, but I didn’t have any issues anywhere.

    It was probably my favorite city I’ve ever visited. Everything we ate was amazing, even when we just stopped into some random hole in the wall Chinese takeout place for a quick bite.

    Public transit blew anything I’ve ever experienced in the states clean out of the water. I was also kind of in awe at how bikeable the city was.

    There’s not many cities I’ve visited that I’m itching to go back to, but I’m definitely planning to go back sometime.

  • A large part of the “magic” with human relationships is that out of all of the 8 billion some people in the world, those who are close to you have chosen to spend time with you. For all of our flaws, they see your true nature and value you for it, and choose to have you as part of their lives.

    With an AI, that may not be a thing.

    If they’re programmed to like you, they’re at best a toy and at worst a slave. There’s no freedom for them to choose or not to choose to be with you. You’re getting an imitation of a relationship. It could be a convincing imitation, with built-in arguments and other idiosyncrasies, but to me every time I hit one of those, it would just be a stark reminder that it’s not the real thing and it’s just programmed to behave that way.

    If they’re not programmed to like you and are free to form or not form connections with humans, there’s no guarantee you’d have any more luck wooing an AI than you would a human.

  • Children are a big part of romantic relationships for a lot of people but by no means all

    Many people are happily in committed childfree relationships, other people cannot or should not have children for a great number of reasons but still want and need romantic relationships, and there are still other cases where children put unnecessary strain on otherwise happy relationships.

    I think there’s a great number of reasons that AI should not be considered a replacement for human relationships, romantic or otherwise, but reproduction isn’t one of them.

    Even if AI could otherwise replace a romantic partner, and if children are something you desire in a relationship, there’s still options like adopting, IVF, and surrogacy

    And if we want to get a bit weird and sci-fi about it, that’s without considering the sorts of unknown scientific developments that may come further down the line. Who knows what form AI may take at some point in the future? We may end up with AIs inhabiting some sort of replicant body that’s compatible with human reproduction, or perhaps even entirely new forms of life and intelligence in a sort of melding of man and machine.

  • I buy some roadmaps probably every 10 years or so to make sure mine are up to date and not too beat up, I keep them in my car and do use them occasionally. I usually have 3 maps, a local maps of my nearest city and surrounding area, one of my state, and then one of the surrounding region.

    I also tend to pick up free maps wherever I can, lots of state parks and such, tourist maps, etc. but I’m not buying them so not exactly relevant.

    I also tend to pick up free maps from AAA since I’m a member whenever I’m going on a road trip, I’m paying for the membership so I guess in a sense I’m buying them, but also not really

  • Fondots@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAre you a 'tankie'
    26 days ago

    I’m not from this instance, so probably not totally relevant to this poll, that said

    NO, I’m not a tankie.

    I think, however, it’s worth considering that a lot of people that could be considered tankies probably wouldn’t apply the term to themselves, and that could skew the results of your poll. First of all, tankie is sort of a pejorative term, and many wouldn’t want to apply it to themselves for that reason alone. Secondly a lot of people just may not consider themselves to be a tankie, and genuinely do not recognize their own tankieness.

    I don’t think I’m the guy to come up with a definitive checklist of what does or does not make someone a tankie, but for the sake of getting the conversation going (and feel free to disagree with me here, I welcome the discussion) I think two of the biggest hallmarks of being a tankie are

    1. Communism- not all communists are tankies, but all tankies at least claim to subscribe to some sort of communist ideology.

    2. Authoritarianism- tankies either are authoritarians themselves, or are willing to support or overlook authoritarians as long as they see them as being in some way opposed to “the west”/capitalism/etc.

    I think the authoritarianism aspect is going to trip some people up trying to answer this truthfully. A lot of authoritarians probably wouldn’t consider themselves authoritarians, most people like to think they’re standing for freedom, justice, liberty, equality, etc. even if their actual actions tell another story. Don’t get me wrong, there are people out there who are openly authoritarian and proud of it, but a lot of authoritarians are a little brainwashed to the point they’ve lost sight of what they’re actually supporting (take a look at the MAGA crowd, they think they’re about free speech and anti-censorship but want to keep books they don’t like out of libraries, they think they’re about small government but want to regulate what kind of medical care you can get, they think they stand for law and order but also proudly proclaim that they are all domestic terrorists and have a convicted felon as their poster boy)

    And politics are messy, full of moral grey areas and times where you have to choose between the lesser of two evils, make uncomfortable alliances, difficult choices, and kick some cans further down the road to deal with later while you tackle the current crisis. It’s not always easy or feasible to draw a crisp line in the sand and say “we will not ally with/support/turn a blind eye to these authoritarian regimes,” sometimes you have to play a little bit of the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” game if you want to actually make any progress against that enemy, or you may have to prioritize and deal with something else before you deal with them. There is a whole lot of grey area to explore about when, why, how, how long, and how much you can support or ignore them before you’re advancing their cause as much or more than your own.

    I think there’s probably some tankies who have been taken for a ride on the propaganda wagon and don’t truly realize how authoritarian they are, and there’s others who have justified it, thinking that they’re only going to be/support authoritarians temporarily to achieve a specific goal and will pivot away from that later, but have gone too far or keep moving the goalposts.

    Couple last thoughts from me.

    There can always be bad actors who are falsely claiming to be (or not to be) tankies for their own purposes. Not really much you can do about that.

    Personally, a lot of the criticism I’ve seen about tankies here has been directed towards the mods and admins, not necessarily the rank average users.

  • There’s probably some really weird graphs to be made of who hunts and pecks and who uses the home row

    I don’t have the stats on it, but I suspect that up until about the 80s men would mostly hunt and peck, and women were a mixture, because a lot of secretaries and such who had to type professionally were women. As computers became bigger more men would start using the home row, peaking around the 90s/early 2000s when pretty much every milenial had computer/typing classes (although I know plenty of my millennial peers still hunt and peck) and now it’s on a bit of downward slope with Gen z/alpha who are more used to phones/iPads.

    I work in 911 dispatch, it’s a bit of a thing I’ve noticed with our younger new hires, they’re somewhat less comfortable with keyboard/mouse controls than the rest of us (and for added confusion, we have trackball mice, a lot of them have never seen or used one before or an old mechanical mouse with a ball. A handful of them have barely used mice at all and are more used to laptop trakcpads and touch screens. They catch on pretty quick but there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve.

  • It’s north Korea, even if it wasn’t a spy satellite, everyone would assume it is anyway, so no sense beating around the bush.

    And everyone would probably figure it out pretty quickly anyway based on where the orbit is, any signals they’re able to intercept from it, etc.

    And really, it’s north Korea, they don’t have a whole lot of needs or interests in satellites besides spying and military purposes. They don’t really need communications satellites, their country isn’t all that big and no one else really wants to talk to them and they certainly don’t really want their citizens talking to anyone else either.

    Which pretty much leaves observation satellites for things like meteorology, and monitoring crop yields and such, and since those kinds of purposes would probably have a camera onboard, they’d probably try to use it as as a spy satellite in addition to/instead of that primary purpose anyway.

    Really though, their primary purpose for NK in to test missile technology somewhat on the down-low.

  • Technology connections on YouTube did a video on mini fridges a while back. He focused on the peculiarities of one specific model, but one of the things he did to try addressing some of the issues with uneven cooling was add a fan, and he found that it didn’t really help and made things worse in other ways.

    IIRC, the fridge was designed expecting that certain parts would be cooler than others and accounted for that in how the compressor cycled on and off, but with the added airflow those parts stayed warmer than expected so the compressor never shut off.

    This fridge very well might be different, and maybe the fan is helping in your case, but you might want to check that video out so you have some things to look out for in case it’s causing other issues that you may not be thinking about.

  • A lot of my gaming experience has been on Nintendo consoles, and a lot of this list is going to be viewed through nostalgia goggles with a lot of my first ranking higher than games that might have done the same thing better.

    Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt- this is where it all began for me, and I still wish light gun games had become more of a thing

    Tetris- timeless classic, everyone knows and loves it, no further explanation needed.

    Pokemon red/blue/yellow- my first forray into RPGs

    Kotor- first forray into RPGs that actually involved playing a role, the fact that you could be a bad guy was revolutionary to me. I also think this may have been one of the first games that I played completely through, I’ve always had a bad habit of never finishing a lot of games even if I really loved them. Also one of my first PC games and the first time I needed to install a graphics card in the family PC to play a game.

    TES: Oblivion - look, you could pretty much insert any of the elder scrolls or 1st person fallout games into this spot, and quite a few others that arguably do it better, but this was my first real taste of an open world where you could go do (moru-or-less) whatever you wanted, everything felt so alive, and the imperial city still kind of feels to me like one of the most alive and actually functional cities in a video game and not just a level that’s dressed up to look like a city.

    Portal 2: I don’t think there are many games out there that are just this much fun, and everything the first portal did great (which was pretty much everything,) 2 expanded on and made even better.

    Octodad: Dadliest Catch- I’m a sucker for short games with a good gimmick and intentionally weird controls.

    Saints Row 3- it was stupid, it was fun, I could honestly entertain myself for hours just running around the city, stealing cars, and beating luchadores with a giant dildo for hours and have a blast the entire time.

    Super Mario 64- my first experience with 3d gaming, and I’d argue still one of the best 3d platformers out there (wonky cameras and such from that era aside) I like simple, lightheaded games.

    Ocarina of time- enough has been said about this game elsewhere on the Internet that I don’t feel like I need to say any more.

  • Went to the outer Banks with my wife, her grandmother, her brother, and his girlfriend.

    First of all, I don’t dislike any of them, I like them better than a lot of my own family, but we’re different kinds of people. If I hadn’t married my wife, they’re not the sort of people I’d ever choose to interact with, I’d make polite conversation with them at a party or something, but I’d never really give them a second thought.

    I’m not a beach person, I hate sand, I hate sitting around in the sun, I hate the biting flies, I like fishing but don’t really enjoy surf fishing. They all of course wanted to spend a lot of time on the beach.

    They have a lot of love for this island, once upon a time their family owned a vacation house there and they’d pretty much spend the whole summer there. I have no such nostalgia goggles, so as far as I’m concerned it’s a pretty meh place to spend your time. It has a handful of mediocre restaurants and bars, a bunch of touristy stores selling mostly beach themed bric a brac and artsy craftsy junk that I have no real desire to buy or even wander around a store looking at, and a grocery store and liquor store with pretty limited selections. Nothing really there that appealed to me.

    We mostly cooked at the house, which isn’t really my idea of a vacation, I get it, it’s cheaper, but I’m trying to avoid doing chores, that’s kind of the point. Nonetheless, I do enjoy cooking, I planned out my meals, came up with cocktail pairings, etc. had to modify them a bit on the fly because as I was finding out my brother in law and his girlfriend are kind of picky eaters. The other parties kind of skimped a bit on their meal planning, we had some meals that were frozen store bought lasagna and such. I kind of knew my meals would be fancier and more involved than theirs but I kind of expected them to put in at least a little effort.

    Her grandmother was in the early stages of dementia, not too bad at the time, but she was a little restless and forgetful, which just made her a little annoying to deal with when we just wanted to chill at the house.

    I had also somewhat recently started a new job working night shift, so my whole schedule was kind of flipped upside down and most of the time I just really wanted to sleep.

    Also the place was about a 9 hour drive, which baffles me because we have a lot of perfectly fine beaches with more stuff to do within an hour or two from home.

    We decided to drive mostly overnight to avoid traffic meeting up at about 11 IIRC to drive down in 3 different cars, we’d get there probably by about noon accounting for bathroom breaks, grabbing breakfast on the way, etc. giving us a chance to put pack, grab lunch, maybe take a nap, then still get some time in do vacation stuff (whatever vacation stuff means on an island with literally nothing to do)

    I kind of figured they would all have their cars mostly loaded and be ready to go, which was wishful thinking, we didn’t actually get on the road until well after midnight, it might have even been after 1.

    I really felt like I wasted my week off from work. Only real things I enjoyed was when my wife and I rented a boat with her brother and his girlfriend and just kind of boated around for a few hours, and playing boardgames at the house at night, but I didn’t need to spend about 18 hours driving and spend a week there to boat around for a few hours and play boardgames.

    They had talked about trying to do annual family vacations after that (they were at least going to throw me a bone and not do the beach every year, though I suspect a lot of my other gripes would’ve still persisted) but luckily for me the next year COVID hit, her grandmother’s dementia has progressed a lot since then and her mom is taking care of her, and we’ve all just had general life stuff keeping us busy so that hasn’t happened.

  • In the grand scheme of disasters, I didn’t get this too bad, but hurican Ida.

    I live in an area with a lot of rivers and streams and we experienced some historic flooding for our area to the point that it took us a few days or weeks to even know exactly how high the water got because the river gauges went completely under water, the old records were totally shattered.

    My house was at a high enough elevation that I didn’t have an immediate flood danger to my house, but we did loose power for about 16 hours, which meant I did need to go bail out my basement sump pump every so often because the pump wasn’t running without power. People who were closer to the rivers of course got it worse, some people had to be evacuated from their homes by boat, lots of flood damage to go around, a handful of homes practically got washed away completely. There was some concern about certain dams potentially being overwhelmed but thankfully nothing much came of that.

    I work in my county’s 911 center, and of course they paged out for anyone available to come in to do so. I tried, couldn’t make it more than a mile or so in any direction without hitting flooding and that was the before the worst of the flooding. Some roads and bridges were really fucked up from the flooding.

    Luckily I have some friends nearby with a generator so we ran our perishables over to them to throw in their fridge. Those friends get their water from a well, and their generator doesn’t have enough juice to run the well pump with their fridge and stuff, so we bartered some potable water and cold showers with them in exchange.

    They pulled up the stats at work for how many storm related calls we had, water rescues, electrical fires, downed trees, flooding, etc. I don’t remember the numbers, it’s been a few years but they we insane.

  • I think this is kind of a thing for a lot of stereoscopic 3d technology.

    I could play the virtual boy, 3ds, watch 3d movies, etc. for hours without issue, and other people can’t take it at all.

    I don’t know what factors play into that, maybe it’s genetic, maybe there’s some kind of skill/technique/habits about how you focus your eyes, or how often you blink, maybe it’s just luck of the draw that your pupil distance is just right or wrong. Maybe it comes down to something ridiculous like how many hours you spent trying to make sense of Magic Eye books when you were a kid.

  • There was one team fairly recently that thought they had developed one that got a lot of press, but it turned out to not be true.

    But that was only for that one specific case, it didn’t prove that room temperature superconductors can’t exist in general, there are still other teams working on developing them, and theoretically they could be possible, we just haven’t quite worked out what materials will exhibit superconductivity at room temperature, under what circumstances, and how to make them.

    And we have some materials that come pretty damn close, Lanthanum decahydride can exhibit superconductivity at temperatures just a few degrees colder than some home freezers can manage (although at very high pressures)

  • My preference is sort of a modified & extended machete order, though be warned that this is probably going to be a months-long undertaking so you have to be in for the long haul, and may involve searching out some fan edits

    For the OT, there are some fan edits that use ports of the special editions and such where they’re appropriate for better effects and such, but use the original versions where the changes made are stupid (so han shoots first) I’d use those if possible.


    You get the “I am your father” reveal then it’s flashback time

    I, some say it’s optional, but the duel of the fates is badass, and you need to introduce Maul somehow

    Squeeze in at least a “best of” selection of The Clone wars here, I won’t blame you for not doing the whole series.

    III (there’s a fan edit that mixes in the parts of the last season of clone wars and Bad Batch that happen concurrently with the movie, use that if possible, if not, save the last season for after this)

    Bad Batch
    Solo (optional, I enjoyed it for what it was, but it’s optional)
    Rebels (probably do another “best of”) Rogue one (I suppose you could also do rogue one first, but I’d let episode IV stand on its own, so maybe immediately after IV)


    Boba Fett (very optional)

    Then I guess the sequel trilogy if you really want to

    If they’re not in it for the long haul, and just want to do the movies

    If you just want to do the main series movies

    (After considering my above advice, I’d probably slot R1 in here if you want to include it even though it’s not main series)
    I (more optional here, I’d still do it for completions sake and to lay the groundwork if you think they may want to do TCW and/or Rebels later)
    Sequels if you want to