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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • This does seem like a common theme with mass produced articles.

    Another poster did provide quite a bit of information in one of my other comnents - it can absolutely be located to Israel/Palestine, 99% sure IDF based on uniform and all a blury patch comparison. Timing and story are up for debate, but issues can absolutely be drawn regardless of who the person is at the receiving end.

    Questioning calling it evidence of Israel apartheid or individual actions, but it is a piece of a much larger puzzle.

  • Im not the one who posted the original video.

    Its like people sprouting “prove God doesn’t exist” - im not the one saying this is a fact and need to back it up.

    Saying that, one other poster did provide me with some pretty good insight with sources - ignoring before/after video possibilities the evidence they provided is pretty damming to Israel, and even without it they would have alot to answer for.

  • Its almost like there is an entire propaganda campaign from both sides where facts and accuracy have taken a back seat to pushing agendas and swinging public opinion. Like the amount of people outraged by half truths is covering accurate reporting and fact from authoritive sources, and arguments are downvoting anything that doesn’t confirm to their already established world view that was built on these half truths.

    If you’re that pissed, block me and move on - because the basic who/when/where still hasn’t been answered.

  • This is the point I’m trying to get across - three basic questions we learnt in primary school. Who is this, when did it happen, why did it happen/ why is it important? I’ve had one person tell me it looks like Israeli MPs, one say its police, and someone tells me it’s likely in Israel or a settlement. I’ve been called biased and worse more times than someone can answer the basic question.

    The problem is that every article is designed to be read in three seconds, or watch a video that tells you how to react to it, with no authority or actual fact behind it.

  • I’ve cherry picked because this video has been cherrypicked, and arguing with someone who’s just repeating its a video and just take what they call it as fact.

    Its like me saying “this is a video of Israel discussing and enforcing the best way to protect Palestine civilians while they protect themselves”, putting up a video of a few people in a uniform talking and expecting everything to comment back how amazing Israel is - I would expect everyone to cherry pick the issues with me doing this, especially when all I do is repeat “but its a video”.

  • From Wikipedia (Regarding Quds news network).

    In short - the site is soo biased and unfavorable they have been banned by X, tiktok and Meta. They have a reputation for being used to fund militant group.

    “The Jewish News Syndicate reported in 2023 that the Australian Jewish Association had criticized the site as “a notorious anti-Israel antisemitic propaganda platform affiliated with Hamas.”[9] Twitter subsequently suspended QNN’s accounts in November 2019 as part of broader actions against accounts linked to militant groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.[10][11][12] In January 2021, TikTok banned QNN, stating that it was a move related to the account’s content.[4] Meta suspended QNN’s English and Arabic pages after the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.”

    (AP via wiki)

    It also reported that while QNN says it is independent, it has a reputation of being associated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group.

    Not exactly a group I would associate with providing the full story

  • I would argue with the current… state… of Israel and with the intl pressures and propaganda both who and when leaked it are quite relevant. It contains no context of who these people are (police, armed forces, paramilitary), who they are attacking (cant say I see any reason to treat the second one like that regardless), or why. It is absolutely framed as a random attack on civilians, but what is the context - is it a random attack?

    Regarding who and when, there are significant propaganda campaigns on both sides and this provides considerable context. MEE was found to be editing historical videos and adding on Al Jazeera logos to make old recording look like they were Regarding events only a few hours old to spark outrage, Israel is… well being Israel… so there is much more behind this than a 32 second video viewed in Isolation.