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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Ik denk dat de snelheidsverlaging naar 30 km/u een goed idee is, maar ik weet niet helemaal zeker of ik het eens ben met de uitvoering ervan.

    In Nederland richten we wegen in naar de maximum snelheid die daar geldt. Dat zorgt ervoor dat mensen bijna onbewust ongeveer de geldende maximum snelheid rijden, zonder dat ze constant bewust op de hoogte moeten zijn van de maximum snelheid.

    Deze wegen zijn allemaal ingericht als 50 km/u wegen, en naar mijn weten wordt over het algemeen (met enkele uitzonderingen hier en daar) de weginrichting niet aangepast nu de snelheid wordt verlaagd naar 30 km/u.
    Dat gaat, denk ik, mensen uitlokken om onbewust te hard te rijden.

    Die weginrichting zal over de komende jaren loopgewijs wel aangepast worden, maar ik weet niet zeker of heel Amsterdam in één keer naar 30km/u een goed idee is.

    Edit: Worth noting… Ik ben geen Amsterdammer, dus uiteindelijk is dit niet mijn beslissing.

  • Could we add holiday logos for the Dutch (and Belgian) holidays of Sinterklaas (December 5th and 6th), and perhaps Kings Day? (April 27th)

    If I have some direction on the style I could perhaps Photoshop something together :)

    Edit: Carnaval would be fun too, but that one might be tricky because it falls on a different day every year (and is also not consistent between countries, I don’t think…)

  • Humanius@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idFairphone 5 Announced!
    10 months ago

    That’s a valid concern, but it also assumes that the requirements for apps will go up in a similar trend as they did in the previous 8-10 years.
    I’m not entirely convinced that they will. Smartphones 10 years ago were still very much a developing product category, whereas I think today they are generally matured.

    Just look at laptops as a comparison. When they were still rapidly developing, an eight year old laptop would have pretty much been obsolete. But today an eight year old laptop will still serve most people perfectly fine.

  • Humanius@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idFairphone 5 Announced!
    10 months ago

    It won’t be top of the line, but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t still be usable at least.
    And even if the person buying the phone today won’t consider it usable for their needs in eight years time, they can still sell it to someone who doesn’t have a need for a high spec’ed phone.

    I think you can look at it similarly to how one would look at an 8 year old laptop today.
    A decently spec’ed laptop from 2015 is still very usable today, as long as you keep your expectations reasonable.

  • I think the biggest advantage of Android over iOS is the availability of consumer choice. There are so many different Android phones on the market, each with their respective pros and cons, that there is bound to be a device that aligns with your needs.

    Now that can also be an advantage of iOS over Android in a sense. With Android you have to make a choice and it can be the wrong one. With the iPhone there is one option, and it is what it is.