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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldTip?
    21 hours ago

    In the meantime though, protesting the current system by not tipping directly harms the person who is doing work you could have easily done at home yourself.

    I agree that we should have livable wages as the minimum wage, but your anger is misplaced. I’m mad at the government, and have solidarity with my fellow working-class citizens. If I can’t afford to tip somewhere, I can’t afford to be a patron there, and THAT directly impacts the company instead of the workers.

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldTip?
    22 hours ago

    The company should, but they don’t.

    Again, if you are concerned about money, you can get cheap coffee at home. If you want someone to make it for you, you should understand the actual cost in US capitalistic society.

    Until the company pays a living wage, buying coffee without tipping is agreeing that the business paying less than a living wage is acceptable.

    If you don’t want to tip, don’t go there.

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldTip?
    24 hours ago

    I know this isn’t the point of the comic, but the barista isn’t just handing you a cup of coffee. They’re brewing it and making specialty drinks too.

    The not-tipping argument really only works if you’re ordering a black coffee, but if you’re getting black coffee from Starbucks, you’re already paying way more than you should, so just tip.

    Coffee makers are hella cheap if black coffee is all you want.

  • It’s also why building a routine and developing your endurance and lung capacity is so much more important than just “lifting bigger weights” if you’re trying to be healthier. Your body is already doing hard work, you can get better results with helping it work more efficiently instead of just pushing it to exhaustion.

  • The two things that I think of when I think of India are that it’s way too overpopulated and also way too hot.

    Aside from that, there are a lot of academics I’ve seen from India that are genuinely helpful on YouTube but also a lot of scams. Speaking English with an Indian accent almost instantly creates a sense of distrust in Americans simply with how many times we each personally have received scam calls or talked to someone in an Indian call center who swears their name is ‘Derek Johnston’ or other similarly fabricated name.

  • I feel bad that my old job’s IT department would never trust me when I listed this amount of detail, so I stopped putting in the extra effort.

    My ticket: I am not able to login using the standard portal. The error I recieve is X. I have already tried rebooting. I have confirmed that everything was fully plugged in and that I am on the correct network. I also already went through the normal recovery process which did not work. Here is the result, [X].

    The first response from IT: Why don’t you try rebooting and then let me know if it’s working. If not, go through the normal recovery process.

    Like, I get it, you’re being thorough and don’t want to just blindly trust the user, but I’m only talking to you because I already tried your quick fixes. Please understand.

  • “Thank god you’re here, man openly carrying! I feel so much safer around you!”

    “Heh. Yeah, I’m sure. People respect me when I’m carrying.”

    “Oh, no, I don’t mean it like that. I mean that if an actual gunman starts shooting, you’re a much higher priority target, giving me enough time to run away. Thank you for painting a target on yourself for us!”