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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • I see where you’re coming from, because I kinda also hate the genres you mentioned in specific, but man, it’s not ALL bad. You put on some Juan Luis Guerra and he makes better bachata than anyone else you can think of. It’s actually fucking enjoyable. It took me decades to even begin to appreciate some of the more pop music (or even tolerate it, cause fuck regueton…but everyone listens to it where I live), and he definitely stands out.

    That’s it, I just wanted to mention the 440.

  • This dude is trying to get people to think, to notice, to act, he’s trying to educate people and to help them change. Maybe don’t immediately disregard him as “not a true socialist”, maybe don’t outright jump to calling him a tankie. We’re all in this hell hole together, the least we could do is help each other out and spread the educational content, work together to give a friendly summary on our points of view, and keep moving forward.

    I like his content, and I like that he’s trying, that’s my opinion on him.

  • Huh, last I checked, the professional standard was Mac, at least for recording instruments. From what I vaguely recall, Windows has a latency issue due to how they handle audio stream inputs. I went through these woes myself once while using my guitar & Amp through my computer to practice with headphones on and having the music playing on top. The latency just doesn’t allow you to concentrate on what you’re playing, it completely distracts you. You can get it lower by doing something, I don’t remember what, but that solution ends up introducing random new bugs such as certain audio streams suddenly not playing at all for a while before fixing themselves, and it still doesn’t quite get latency low enough to not notice it.

  • If data structures weren’t working with MSVC, you’re probably working with non-portable code in the first place. Don’t assume an int is 32 bits long!

    Oh absolutely! I was starting out during this time, and started using memcpy for a uni project, hardcoding byte sizes to what I assumed long’s size was, instead of checking or using standardized data types (because I didn’t even know they existed). The result was such a mess, exacerbated by the good ol “let’s write it all in one go and run it when we’re done”. Boy did I suffer in that class.

  • I’ll one-up you, and I hope nobody I know reads this. I work from home as a web dev. I have ADHD. I sometimes work deep into the night because I procrastinate all day. I’ll be working with one hand and stroking it rock hard with another, with no real horniness or need to cum for hours. It’s just like a fidgeting thing. I’m looking at code, sleep deprived out of my mind, and somehow rock hard. I don’t get it, but I’m too stressed to care.

  • JGrffn@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlC Compilers be like
    9 months ago

    I haven’t touched compilers in a while, but I was a dirty little MS pig boy back in college. Qt with MSVC just made sense for me, with the single exception of non standard byte lengths for longs (almost cost me a class due to not using std uints, totally my bad but you don’t really expect compilers to understand basic data types differently).

    The true shitfuckassface experience for me was ICC. Stupid little pig boy decided he wanted his Qt working with ICC, due to all dem optimizations for Intel CPUs. After hours of debugging nonsense errors and janking my way through Qt code which was way above my head, I finally got a Qt build, only to have ICC find thousands of completely removed errors in a project where no other compiler would find errors.

    Yeah that was the day I stopped caring for C++, stopped licking intel’s ass, and started getting ever so slightly radicalized due to the lies of the republic.

  • They do! All of these backbone comply with takedown requests. Some comply with DMCA requests only, some comply with NTD requests only, and some comply with both. It’s actually another thing you could consider when selecting your providers, you check their takedown policies. By mixing and matching, you increase your chances of finding every part of your file.

    So, the thing saving usenet in particular, is that the pieces of the file get scattered through the usenet, and you require indexers to find the whole thing. This makes it difficult for takedown requests to actually take down the whole file. Sometimes the best they can do is remove a few parts, and you can repair your file with what’s left. Sometimes they do win, but it happens infrequently enough that you should be able to complete most of your media library without issue.

  • OK, let me mention some important caveats, just so you can keep them in mind:

    You can think of usenet like the internet. You have data on servers all around the world, you have sites such as Google which index these sites and content, and you have your ISP which gives you access to the internet.

    Likewise, on usenet you have the data scrambled on servers all around the world, on different backbones of the usenet. These backbones are accessed through service providers for the backbones (sometimes they’re resellers, sometimes it’s the backbone selling access). These service providers operate just like an ISP, selling you monthly or yearly access to the usenet backbone of your choosing.

    Then there’s the Googles of usenet, Indexers. There’s a ton, they vary a bit from one another, but essentially they find all there is to find on usenet, presenting the files to you as a whole. You want a specific… Ahem… Linux iso? An indexer will know where all the pieces are and it will tell you with an NZB file, kind of like how torrent files tell you where to look. Indexers can be a monthly subscription, but some of them offer lifetime subscriptions as well, and they don’t break the bank.

    The last bit you’ll need is your download client, to do what you do for torrents. These are free tools, sabnzbd and nzbget. Either one works.

    So, I did mention there’s multiple backbones of usenet. Indexers don’t lock themselves to specific backbones, and no indexer covers everything there is on usenet, which means that to get the most out of usenet, you’d ideally have multiple indexers and multiple providers (making sure you don’t get providers from the same backbone as they’d essentially have the same data). Multiple indexers give higher chances of finding something on a search, while multiple backbones increase your chances of finding all the pieces needed to complete a file. This is not absolutely necessary, but dare I say you’ll notice the difference as soon as you bump things up to 2 of each.

    So, essentially, usenet is by far the best method for completing your media library (leaving torrents as a desperate backup route), but it can become expensive.

  • They already have a sort of functional “Assistant”. You can type to it, or you can use OpenAI’s Whisper speech-to-text language model loaded up on your Home Assistant machine through an add-on in order to talk to it, it works pretty much as well as any other proprietary speech to text model, except it’s self hosted. The assistant can talk back with another add-on, though the voices are still too robotic IMO.

    Key part in all of this is the “sort of functional” bit. Commands seem to have to be very literal to be understood, otherwise it just tells you it doesn’t understand.

    I’d still rather host my own assistant than rely on Google or Alexa, though, so I’m just gonna put my faith on the HASS team.

  • but literally nothing is stopping you from running your own server.

    Nothing except gmail’s very strict and hard to follow guidelines for spam filtering. Whether it’s a byproduct of spam filtering or whether it’s the intended result, the fact that Google essentially controls email traffic means you’re not gonna have a good time communicating with others using your self-hosted email. This issue has been raised by self-hosters getting blacklisted, all the way to companies getting rate limited. If your intended use is to communicate with your everyday person, and considering the everyday person probably uses Gmail, you’re in for a bad time at some point down the line.