• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I use it on Windows and I’ve encountered a few bugs, though haven’t experienced many of the stories seen in here. I’ve experienced notifications not coming through which is kinda essential for me tbh, have had the app crash every now and then, and regularly have a thing occur where I would put an emoji on anything and it would go away a second after causing me to do it again. The notifications not coming through is a big deal for me, the rest I can live with just fine.

  • The alternatives are:

    • Windows based solution: will be super bloated, locked down preventing customizability, and will try to obtain as much data on you as possible to sell to advertisers, I’m sure among other reasons others here will gladly point out.
    • MacOS based solution: Even more locked down than a Windows based solution, hardware may even be more proprietary so good luck swapping out components yourself to fix it, and will try to obtain as much data on you as possible to sell to advertisers.
    • iOS: same reasons as MacOS, with the exception of it not being as locked down.
    • Android based solution: is controlled by Google and therefore will try to obtain as much data on you as possible to sell to advertisers.

    Alternatives to Linux like other Unix based systems, FreeBSD, etc. I don’t know enough about, so whether or not it would be better on this kind of a product I don’t know.

  • I feel ya. I tire of the politics here, and it can get extremely left leaning, like pro-communism/pro-socialism/pro-fascism and very anti-American to the point where it’s a little sus. I get it, there’s always been anti-America sentiment surrounding conversations and in media all my life, but it’s a bit extreme here.

    I go onto social media to turn my brain off, not do elaborate research on the past 500 years of colonialism so that I can make sure I’m accurately arguing my point cohesively on this one comment. At the very least, I’ll engage with conversations about tech when I’m not turning my brain off, but I hate politics/debate. I want a DDR/Stepmania/Etterna community where we can discuss new themes released, new songs on various cabinets, etc.

  • I work with people who can’t count on a daily basis - This doesn’t mean that nobody can count, it just means that I get calls/emails where someone made a mistake and they need help correcting it. I get to see all of these instances occurring which creates a focus on it and in turn, a bias - if I only get calls/emails of people not being able to count, but no calls/emails about people not being able to spell, then the bias I have is that people suck at counting and are good at spelling.

    My point is that there are plenty of people that do understand it, but the people that don’t stand out and create a bias in your perspective.

  • I try to be the guy giving the compliments. Like, “Hey I like the jacket,” or, “Hey I like the hat,” stuff like that. I’ll say it strangers and they always seem surprised and put on a seemingly genuine smile.

    Us guys need to look out for each other, ya know? Some guys will never hear a compliment, and just hearing one can make someone’s day.