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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022

  • I’ve got alot of people I’ve promised that I won’t off myself. Those promises were mainly what got me through the dark times.

    I set up a plan a while back now. Once I hit an age where I feel pain all the time, I’ll start evaluating whether I’m getting enough enjoyment out of life to continue. If I decide it’s time, I start getting my affairs in order. Getting closure with folks, having some good final talks with folks, giving the advice I can, documenting that I know that I haven’t documented yet, distributing my things, etc.

    At the end of it, if I still feel like going, I’ll get my N2 tank and respirator and find a nice place to sit.

    I’ve given myself 30 years for my first raincheck. Might push it up if things get real bad, but it’s pretty alright ATM so I don’t think I will RN.

  • Saw the aftermath of a pretty bad motorcycle accident, with the rider receiving CPR. It was confirmed later by the news that they didn’t make it. I was stuck at a light and able to see the scene for a few solid minutes, but it really didn’t impact me heavily. Honestly it felt even less relevant than footage I’d seen before since I was having to actually drive and my attention couldn’t be put entirely on the accident.

    In contrast, I was there for a friend putting their dog down. The amount of emotion everyone was going through was much more pronounced - you could physically feel the sadness around you.

    Seeing death always has an uneasy aspect to it, but I think the real impact comes from social ceremony. We choose to feel pain over it as a way to heal, I think.

  • We’ve had “hidden” planets multiple times actually. In one case, we discovered Neptune by observing that Uranus’ orbit was wonky, and this really Bolstered peoples’ trust of Newton’s gravitational theory.

    The existence of another planet even closer to the sun than Mercury, Vulcan, was also hypothesized by the same astronomer who predicted Neptune’s existence. This was due to Mercury also having a wonky orbit. After Einstein’s general relativity came about though, it was found that no new planet was necessary to explain Mercury’s orbit.

    I think this new planet is the one predicted by Cal Tech “Planet Nine”, is supposedly 10 Earths in size, orbits on average 20 times further out than Neptune, and has a very oblong orbit out in deep space.

    As another ‘fun’ tangent, there is some debate every now and again that dark matter may demonstrate that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is also flawed and that we’re in need of a new theory. Currently, though, there has not been a sufficient new theory to take its place, so the existence of ‘unseen’ matter still is the strongest explanation we have. I put ‘fun’ in quotes because it seems like this debate is starting to affect astronomers and physicists the same way that 'The Orangutan" affects Edgar Allen Poe experts. Video related

  • I know that the chans were used for orchestrating some of the various harrassment campaigns that have happened throughout the years, including most of the gamergate BS. They’re such chaotic spaces I can’t imagine trying to pull off any prolonged actions on them, and the automatic pseudonymity really brings out the seediest people possible.

  • I don’t think it’s the phrasing. You would need an entirely different question to not elicit the response we saw. It wasn’t that the question that was asked that angered people, it was that women consistently chose the bear. this question would have been a nothing burger otherwise. At the same time, though, the question was pitched because the author already knew what the answer would be. They understood how frequently unknown men pose a threat to women.

    What this response from many men the shows is that most dudes are still not ready to talk about just how much more dangerous the world is for women at a baseline measurement - quite explicitly because of predatory dudes.

  • The answer is that it doesn’t have to be but it’s simpler that way.

    A transcript has to be written for a YouTube video essay, and there’s not really a major reason you couldn’t turn your transcript and footage into an article with a series of embedded gifs or graphics. It’s just much simpler for creators to dedicate their time to one medium and not worry about losses in translation or similar issues.