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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Let’s say notifications are like walkie-talkies. You push a button, it sends an alert or your voice to the paired device. Neither one is storing the information, they are just relaying to each other. Now, in this case the government has issued a court order stating that a third party be given a walkie-talkie with the ability to understand the information transmitted by the first. There is still no storage being done, but a second party now receives all the information being broadcast.

    It’s not about not having the information. You don’t actually need to store it anywhere to facilitate communication, at least beyond it being in memory which most would agree doesn’t constitute storage in this situation.

    Now, could that third party store the information? Absolutely.

  • Some pickling and salting? I support a family of 4. Some anything isn’t going to last 4 months, good god. I literally need over a years worth of preserves to last between farmers market availability in the winter. Not to mention the time it would take to process it all.

    Look, I’m glad you live in a self sustainable world where you can get months of food for cheap, and have the time to preserve it all. Good on you, you’re doing great.

    The idea that millions of people are in the same position is just… insane.

  • Farmers markets don’t operate during the winter months here. Not using a crop for thousands of miles away has no bearing on the fact that I literally can’t utilize a farmers market for 4+ months of the year.

    And if you’re really suggesting I buy and preserve/store 4 months worth of food you truly don’t understand what it means to live paycheck to paycheck. You’re essentially saying to throw money at the problem.

  • Farmers markets are not universally available. The closest to me is a 40 minute drive, and while the prices are… usually good, what exactly am I to do during the winter?

    It’s a good solution, when it’s available, but by no means is it a silver bullet against the issue of corporations taking shortcuts to save money in the short term, and costing everyone in the long.

  • Yeah, no. When you go to the grocery store to pick out the lettuce for dinner, did you specifically ask for the single use plastic it’s wrapped in, or was that the only option presented to you?

    The idea that we as consumers are choosing the only option available on the market is flawed. This extends to the times another option is available, but is two to three times as expensive, such as milk being available in glass but even after factoring out the deposit the milk itself costs double.

    When you hook your house up to the electricity grid, are you given a choice of where your power comes from? No. Hell, the majority of the time you’re not even given a choice of what company you get that electricity from.

    And before you go in on the “there are other options” I’m just going to flat out ask you what the cost difference is. If I’m living paycheck to paycheck, there’s no way in fuck I’m buying solar panels, or collecting and processing my own rain water, or buying the expensive foodstuffs wrapped in the sustainable packaging.

    Pretending the consumer has a choice is a bullshit narrative pushed by corporations that want to pass the blame down to the people who really have no direct way to effect things beyond recycling what they can. Hell, some communities don’t even have recycling.