‘The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.’

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Musk-, tesla- X- and SpaceX bashing are all equally obnoxious. I’m so tired of seeing why circlejerking about how twitter sucks and reading all the articles with comments about why Tesla stock is crashing, twitter is dying and people celbrating how it’s great that some supposedly misfortune fell of Musk because of his hubris. Reverse fanboyism is as annoying as actual fanboyism for all the same reasons. To me anti musk crowd is now the more annoying one who became the thing they were opposing. So yes please shut up about Musk and ban everything concerning him for all I care.

  • It’s not as if there were not enough assmad mods (and users) who hated seethed over the place already. This was just the reason to get it over with, because “Issrael hecking has the right to flatten terrorist Gaza and anybody who says otherwise is an anti-semite and a tankie.” Thats just the enviroment we live in and mind broken liberals see that as a reasonable position to have these days. Lemmyworld is also somehow as or even more insufferable than reddit in this regard. One just assumes that in the fringes there would be less mainstream and more nuance and willigness to speak up.

  • Tax really is a good word for it. When you basically have a monopoly on or just act as gatekeeper to something and there is no market and no real competition the fee and profits you are making is basically taxation.

    OSs kinda also act like natural monopolies because of software compatibility. People tend to gravitate towards the option that has most software support for ease of use. Windows should either be taken over by taken over by international bodies to be handled as global commons (of which I seen never happening) or it should be replaced with a open OS like Linux. Same could be said with social media, because it’s equally retarded to have the agoras used by the public as a profiteering tool for capitalists who abuse their power and leech from their monopoly, when the user base is the only thing that gives a platform any value.