Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Moebius works are obviously something I’d recommend, but there are so many and so different ones. Space stuff? John Watercolor et la redingote qui tue is wonderful but doesn’t look like this at all. I’d recommend the Incal series which is a masterpiece, but there are also several short series from the -70 which I don’t know the names of, I can check them out when I get back home (away atm).

    Valérian et Laureline is heavy space 1970-80 which have influenced me heavily. Good BD IMO :-)

    On a side note, I did read Filemon too, maybe it junked me away from more traditional thinking when it comes to drawing and creativity. You are allowed to do whatever you want :-)

    Barbarella was really something too back in the male dominated space.

    Gotta go sleep, cheers !

  • It’s not easy to convey important information when it comes to biology IMO.

    Yeah we breath in fart and poop “particles” all the time, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

    I don’t know about the idea that every time you take a breath you inspire some molecules from when Ceasar said “et tu mon Brutus”, or any other inspiring phrase, but also from one of Hitlers farts.

    Molecules are small, really small and there are really many of them.

    Our immune system works really hard, crazily hard even, and it’s not a simple mechanism (we basically don’t know how it works) but if you want to know if a fan blowing air or towel or a one usage towel is good or bad (or obviously how they influence our wellbeing) you have to do a real study. By scientists, and not by news looking “journalists”.

    BTW fact of the day to throw you off: there are somewhere around 600.000 cells that divide in an adult human body every:










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