• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • The point that I’m making though, is that there will ALWAYS be bad actors. There will ALWAYS be a group of people who are just hateful, and will do or say anything to upset others, because they have nothing in their life that gives them actual happiness.

    So, to me, this whole man vs bear thing is just incredibly stupid, and I am shocked so many people would get so upset about it, from either side!

    It truly worked, and that’s more sad than anything else here.

  • That is unfortunate. Thank you for the in depth explanation for those of us on Lemmy who don’t know all there is to know about Linux/CLI/Networking!

    I’m the only one who uses my Plex, so the real issue is that I don’t want to fiddle around with settings, proxies, or VPNs just to stream an audiobook through my phone while driving to work. Maybe in the future there will be a more simple self host setup for people like me. I’ll keep an eye on it to see how it progresses. Thanks again! 😁

  • What I truly don’t understand is why the negative eggs that you WILL ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, read it again, ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, gets so much mental attention than the many more people who are actively applauding you and saying their thanks and giving you their praises.

    I will never understand the focusing on the negative I guess. It’d be easy as fuck for me to ignore people’s assholeishness while still taking their badly typed criticism and improving (if I reasonably can).

    Shit, it makes me feel like the fucking champ when some random persons says thanks for something I did, and I laugh and ignore the ones who don’t like what I do.

    But hey, if focusing on the few negatives instead of the mountains of praise is what you want to do, it’s all yours.

  • Almost none of this made sense to me, honestly…

    I want to use Jellyfin because of its awesome open source and how much effort the devs obviously put into it, but when I use Plex (lifetime pass for $80 back in 2020) I don’t have to do any of this crazy looking text you’ve typed here. I sign into my account, and it’s off to the races.

    So, with that being said, for the people in the back like me who this may look like the most complicated stuff in the world just to get some streaming started, are there ANY easy methods to achieve this such as with Plex?

  • My friend, I agree with you completely. Depending on what you’re playing it on, I highly suggest WeMod or Cheat Engine if you are on PC. With that being said, the game is absolutely phenomenal in every other area. I hated the combat in Divinity so I stopped playing that game pretty quickly, but the story and world building they’ve done with BG3 is out of this world good (in my opinion). Hopefully you’ll be able to complete it and see that all the combat was worth it in the end. 😁

  • Oh my gosh! All of those would be super helpful if I actually cared to use them! I don’t need my phone to be a mobile computer. That’s why I have a desktop!

    I sideload apps like YouTube that has sponsor block and it also blocks ads, just so I can airplay it to my television. That’s all I need.

    Some of us just like a simple device. I don’t need the rest of that. My god dude, it was a fucking joke because androids have always had these weird ass permission requests.

    I hate Apple as much as the next guy, but I like the ecosystem. That’s all I need for my use case.

    Get a grip, and relax. Take a fucking joke. The way you’re reacting is EXACTLY why I made the god damn joke in the first place. 🤯

  • Hey, thank you for this! I don’t really understand GitHub all that much, especially when it comes to forking and hosting the repo myself!

    I hate to bother, but do you have a good tutorial I can use to learn more about self hosting these types of pages? I’m sort of a “I’ve gotta see it all and do it all” type of gamer, so I’d love to be able to preserve these types of things for future replays after the game has entirely disappeared from my memory! (Why I’m currently doing this actually lol)

    Again, thank you for the more updated fork! 😁