• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I decided to do a bit more then just “hot” and “active” and its the same across all of them except “controversial” and “Most comments”.

    “Most comments” has some .world posts in it but does not match using another instance. The only one that seems to line up is ironically sorting by “controversial”,

    This is really getting weird and is making it hard to use Lemmy for me. Like I like some of the posts listed but I can not believe the largest instance is not posting anything. To make me more confused this also started at the same time Mander got really slow, and to add to the weirdness refreshing the page gives entirely different sorting of posts maybe one out of five times.

  • There is also a record of where I live, my height, eye colour and a whole list of things. People will still be able to find me on my bike easier then in my car since I can’t be that far from home on it.

    You assume we all live in cities, we don’t. I like how my town is set up and is walking and bike friendly, but still most drive. This post was about privacy but you got on the ol’ soapbox about mass transit. Do you really think getting on a train/bus/tram you are not being/can not be tracked?

    Leave your city, spread out and enjoy a bit of nature.

  • They know where I am in my 1986 Fiero? In an area where the nearest traffic camera is at least 50 kms away? Where the police don’t show even if you call them?

    Would I ride a train, sure but they are all freight haulers now and would you believe it even easier to track?

    And my bicycle? its great, love it. but I am not able to make my 250km commute on it and although I have used it in the winter -50c is not conducive to cycling.

  • I wanted to find a list where deployed snipers where used to a positive effect in a crowded area. So far no luck…

    I could not find many good current reports on deployment in general. Here is some older info (2004) so the number is likely a wee bit higher now.


    some bits of note are:

    “The ASA study, which is titled “Police Sniper Utilization Report 2005,” revealed that contrary to the old 70-yard myth, the average range at which police snipers engage suspects is actually 51 yards.”

    and is funny when combined with:

    "The overwhelming majority of SWAT callouts do not result in shots fired by the SWAT team. ASA estimates that there are 10,000 callouts per year. Nationwide for the 20 years included in the study that adds up to about 200,000 deployments. ASA calculates that out of those 200,000 callouts only 172 incidents have ended with a SWAT sniper killing a suspect.

    The survey also shows that police snipers don’t always kill suspects that they fire upon, nor do they always intend to. ASA documents 219 SWAT sniper shootings. Of these, it’s known that 104 struck the suspect in the head or neck, 104 in the body, seven in the arm or hand, and two in a leg. The suspect died of his or her wounds in only 172 of these incidents.

    ASA notes that even some of the suspects who were shot in the head and neck survived their wounds. However, none of these suspects were shot in the brain or spinal cord. Instead, they were hit in the jaw or mouth."