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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024

  • Apologies for the confusion. I am not literally quoting a specific year in which Benjamin Franklins newspaper said this exact line. Just, as someone who has read several biographies on the man, a recurring theme of his writings (both personal and professional, including quips in the almanac) essentially boil down to pithy remarks of “everyone is working harder now and getting less for it”.

    It’s just kind of a universal experience that essentially every generation has felt.

  • Yeah, it’s advertising. They want to be able to sell you clothes you’ll probably actually wear, video games you’ll actually play, etc. They probably don’t care about your google spell checks as much as they care about what posts you’re liking on your Instagram reels.

    On one hand, it sucks to not really have that privacy. On the other hand, people act like if you don’t use a VPN for every single online service today that in 5 years data brokers will sell your exact address to the Islamic Jihad for ten dollars.

  • Interesting, you had no problem insulting entire demographics of people, implying that entire classes by definition aren’t “intellectuals” despite the vast amount of knowledge contained in the working class. Why does it offend you to know that you aren’t particularly intelligent - below average, even?

    Think of it this way. I am one of the “grunts” that you detest so much, who you think should always be beneath the managerial class. I have paid off my house at 30, I have a beautiful partner who I love. I advocate for the working class in my personal life. In my spare time I read a lot, largely in my (quaint, but very much still there) home library. I really do like my job, and I feel like I’m compensated fairly.

    You are a guy who sits on the computer, performing jobs for clients you hate, who you can never relate to. In your spare time you advocate that the managerial / technocrat class should always be above and superior to manual laborers (“grunts”) who provide you your livlihood, always making more money. You are probably single.

    Who is the intellectual in this case? Who is the sucker?

  • No need to fight, I think both experiences are fine. I would just maintain that what might “appear” to be people invested in progressive, workers rights type issues, perhaps might not actually commit to those actions if it meant any meaningful sacrifice or change to themselves.

    To break the parable a bit, imagine a lion that can somehow contort itself to feel like a housecat. A lot of people can touch it and say “hmm… feels like a nice little cat” - but someone who has had his arm chomped on by the lion knows there’s more beneath the surface

  • Eh. Just recently I’ve seen a lot of people talk down upon like… manual laborers, tradespeople, etc.

    Without being too cynical, I think this website has a lot of people who like to ‘roleplay’ as being leftist, but then when you get into any specific policy points everyone suddenly goes “well I think people should be paid more… but obviously laborers shouldn’t make as much money as people like… oh, I don’t know… middle manager data analysts” and then you look at their history and they’re like “as a middle manager data analyst…”.

    Its a very “communism is when I make more money and maybe some other people can make more too as long as it’s not as much as me” approach to progressivism

  • … yeah no shit man. Did you come here just to regurgitate vaguely progressive talking points or actually discuss anything that anyone is actually talking about.

    I’m sure it makes you feel very good to just kind of say things that are obvious and completely ignore anything I actually say.

    Why don’t you respond to my last comment? Laborers should typically make as much as middle management on computers, right?

    Be careful! Don’t make up another conversation that no one said and respond to that instead!