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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • If this is something you run into often, it’s likely still only for a limited number of servers? ssh and scp both respect .ssh/config, and I suspect (but haven’t tested) that sftp does too. If you add something like this to that file:

    Host host1 host2
      Port 8080

    then SSH connections to hosts named in that first line will use port 8080 by default and you can leave off the -p/-P when contacting those hosts. You can add multiple such sections if you have other hosts that require different ports, of course.

  • In fact, unless you post your domain somewhere online or its registration is available somewhere, it’s unlikely anyone will ever visit your server without a direct link provided by you or someone else who knows it.

    If you use HTTPS with a publicly-trusted certificate (such as via Let’s Encrypt), the host names in the certificate will be published in certificate transparency logs. So at least the “main” domain will be known, as well as any subdomains you don’t hide by using wildcards.

    I’m not sure whether anyone uses those as a list of sites to automatically visit, but I certainly would not count on nobody doing so.

    That just gives them the domain name though, so URLS with long randomly-generated paths should still be safe.

  • Technically DNS will let you look up a host name from an IP address, but the catch is that it might not work: it’s not automatically configured. And even if it is configured you might not get all of the host names pointing at that address.

    Very many webserver operators don’t bother adding the server’s host name to reverse DNS. For example, lemmy.world’s IP address does not map to any host name in reverse DNS, and google.com’s IP address maps to some completely different name for me, with no mention of Google in the returned name.

    Also, many websites can be served from the same IP address, especially if they are hosted in the cloud. You are correct that someone snooping on the connection would still see the IP address, but if that points them at something like a webhosting company or a CDN (or some other server hosting many different sites) it still doesn’t really tell them which specific site is being accessed.

    But yes, if the site you’re accessing is the only one hosted on that server then the snoop could potentially guess the host name. But even then: how would they know that’s the only site hosted there? If some site they’ve never even heard of uses the same IP address they would never know.

  • Perhyte@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Without a VPN every host you connect to can approximate your location down to a few miles.

    I just tried a few geo-IP lookups of my current IP address, and they all point to a location that (as the bird flies) is almost exactly 100 miles from my actual location. This is despite the ISP I’m using being headquartered in my current city, but maybe they have some infrastructure there?

    On mobile data I instead get a location 90 miles away, and if I look up the IP address of another machine I know the exact location of, the result is 60 miles off.

    60-100 miles is a pretty generous definition of “a few”.

  • Perhyte@lemmy.worldtoPiracy@lemmy.mlPiracy > resellers
    11 months ago

    Many piracy sites run ads though, don’t they? Unless everyone visiting runs ad blockers (unlikely) the people running those are making at least some money. Presumably it at least covers the cost of running the sites.

    It’s probably just as the comment you replied to said: “stuff bought with stolen credit cards (and resold on those sites) actually costs us money, as opposed to piracy which merely ‘costs’ us money”.

  • You produce a hundred 24 core cpus, then you test them rigorously. You discover that 30 work perfectly and sell them as the 24 core mdoel. 30 have between one and eight defective cores, so you block access to those cores and sell them as the 16 core model. Rinse and repeat until you reach the minimum number of cores for a saleable cpu.

    Except the ratios of consumer demand do not always match up neatly with the production ratios. IIRC there have been cases where they’ve overproduced the top model but expected not to be able to sell them all at the price they were asking for that model, and chose to artificially “cripple” some of those and sell them as a more limited model. An alternative sales strategy would have been to lower the price of the top model to increase demand for it, of course, but that may not always be the most profitable thing to do.

  • Perhyte@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlCorrection
    11 months ago

    If you’re using OpenSSH, the IdentityFile configuration directive selects the SSH key to use.

    Add something like this to your SSH config file (~/.ssh/config):

    Host github.com
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa
    Host gitlab.com
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitlab_rsa

    This will use the github_rsa key for repositories hosted at github.com, and the gitlab_rsa key for repositories hosted at gitlab.com. Adjust as needed for your key names and hosts, obviously.