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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I like it and have been using it for something like 6 months. I had an issue where I really liked the application and how simple it was but I didn’t really want to “budget”, just keep an eye on where my money was going. That was fine, just keep zero-ing the numbers every month, slightly tedious though. Now they’ve got a “report” style behind an experimental flag and that’s made it pretty perfect for me.

    I set up some family members with the electron app after they had spent 3 days to do in a spreadsheet what I had done in 3 hours in actual. There was resistance initially due to sunk cost fallacy but now they’re loving it.

    Other options like ynab and firefly were just too bloated and complex for our simple use case.

  • I’ve spent entirely too long in the last week or so researching this. You either go cheap but DIY, or expensive but prebuilt. That’s not to say that a DIY is always cheaper than a prebuilt, you can go absolutely nuts if you want, but the performance and spec will always be better for the money going DIY. Hot swap drawers are over-rated as you’ll maybe use them once a year if that. I can’t recommend any specific prebuilt because I haven’t used any and am waiting for parts for my DIY build.

  • I think part of why it’s confusing is that we don’t have defined names for these things. This is so early in a social media “product” life that there isn’t a common understanding. You’re now part of making those names. It’s a bit exciting but mostly confusing while everyone uses their own terms to mean the same fundamental things. Embrace the chaos!