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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I don’t think we can gatekeep it either.

    But we can, or not, encourage it. I’d rather not. I’ve never - not even once in more than 30 years online - seen a forum get notably popular without it also, and obviously as a direct result, going to shit.

    The great thing about the fediverse is that people have control over which instances they are around, and there will always be some more isolated ones if that’s what you prefer.

    If the masses discover the fediverse and move here, that’s not going to remain the case, guaranteed.

    They’ll bitch and moan because content isn’t centralized (we’ve already seen that), and the rent-seeking fuckwads will, one way or another, rearrange things so that it is centralized, and specifically so that they can then squat on top of it and suck profit out of it, and it’ll end up just another facebook/twitter/instagram/reddit.

    Count on it.

  • Mmm… yes and no.

    College towns are more lively and interesting, and notably more likely to have cultural things that similar-sized other towns don’t have - bookstores, galleries, music venues, museums and the like. That’s appealing.

    But there’s a downside to living in a college town as a non-student. The town is mostly geared toward serving the students, and that can get tiresome, since it’s near certain that some significant number of the students are going to be… well… assholes.

    Someone elsewhere in the thread mentioned tourist towns and their similar appeal, and I’d agree. But with the exact same proviso.

  • Rottcodd@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    And like virtually every one of the similar complaints, this comes from someone who isn’t otherwise active, so basically boils down to “I’ve noticed that other people aren’t providing me with enough content. What can we do to get other people to provide me with more content?”

    If you want to get more activity in niche communities, POST! And not just once - do it again and again, day in and day out.

    The communities that you appreciate didn’t just spring into being - they grew, over time, because people did exactly that.

  • Rottcodd@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    No - anarchism, by definition, is the complete absence of institutionalized authority.

    Those around here who are calling for the destruction of institutions have no intention of creating a society free from the hierarchy of authority - they want to destroy the current authority merely so that they can replace it with their own.

    Again, they’re about as far as it’s possible to get from being anarchists. They’re as authoritarian as fascists - they just have a different set of norms they want to forcibly impose, and a different set of people they’re eager to oppress and murder along the way.

  • Rottcodd@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Why on Earth would we want to make it more popular?

    I want more people to leave. Things have noticeably gotten better over the last few weeks, but there’s still a ways to go.

    The people who are leaving are presumably mostly people who are frustrated by the relative complexity of decentralized forums and people who can’t find enough “content” to scroll through here, and good riddance to the lot of them.