Just here for good conversation with good people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Not OP but I will take a shot at answering this.

    One, fragrance isn’t really regulated. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to exposure to synthetic musks and other synthetics. Studies have found certain musks in tissue and breast milk. They could be linked to issues within the endocrine system. As others have pointed out, these detergents that use high amounts of fragrance can cause skin and respiratory issues.

    Two, and I say this as someone that really enjoys the sense of smell, musk is over used. Post WWII every cleaning product began using musk as the main fragrance. Since then, it has become synonymous with clean clothes. Galaxaloid, the main synthetic musk used these days, is in everything including our environment. I remember reading about it being an issue in the Great Lakes.

    Lastly, I just find musks to be nauseating. 🤷‍♂️

  • Out of curiosity, was this the dynamic growing up and prior to the move? I just wonder if your father is a narcissist. If you were always blamed while your siblings could do no wrong then there’s a strong chance that’s the issue.

    Regardless, I’m so sorry about how your father has treated you. I feel like I can relate in some way. As an adult it’s taken some time to sort through those past issues. It’s hard to come to the realization that a parent can’t be what you want or need them to be.

    Someone else in the comments mentioned therapy and I just want to echo that. There’s nothing wrong with it and I think everyone should do sessions with an expert in their life. I hope you can find some peace regardless. Best of luck OP.

  • Are you referring to email verification on sign up? If so, it’s unfortunately easily overcome by bad actors. Depending on how the platform handles it, one email can be used over and over again to verify accounts or there are many services out there that provide an endless amount of quick and easy emails. The automation of this has already been solved too. For the first scenario, limits on how many times an email is used for account verification is useful. For the second scenario, we really start the cat and mouse game. You can block sign up from accounts using spam email domains. There are lists out there that can help. If someone is really persistent, they may have a trove of legitimate email addresses they can use. Then you have to start considering where the sign ups are coming from, the IP, it’s reputation, the behaviors, and hopefully it’s fingerprints from the device. You could serve a captcha but most are trivial to bypass with code straight from GitHub or captcha passing services. Overall, this is not an easy problem to solve. I know a lot of conversation on Lemmy is being had regarding this topic. It’s going to take all of us together to help solve the problem.