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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • To be fair, I’m not at all offended by your desires! I understand that some folks have desires that are not necessarily rooted to reality. A fantasy, and that’s perfectly fine. Of course no one wants PTSD.

    I think my concerns lie in that disconnect, though. Someone fantasizing about a threesome, meeting a historical figure, or a positive experience is something I’d understand. A desire to experience a tragedy? It’s a bit alarming. Even knowing that you’re just curious about the factual experience, the disassociation from the reality of human suffering paired with the events may cause a pause.

    If you’re questioning yourself about your desires or people close to you have expressed concern over these thoughts, I’d say go to a professional and talk to someone. Otherwise, research into it. Explore these events, read,watch documentaries, interviews, and things like that.

    The human mind is a weird thing. Not inherently bad– just weird. And it’s okay to explore that and think about things sometimes.

  • I am a sufferer of PTSD from various horrific traumas.

    In short: yes. It’s weird. You should talk to a professional about it.

    If I could take away these debilitating, paralyzing memories and responses my body has formed due to trauma, I would. It prevents me from living a normal life and I suffer from it every day. Even have a note in my charts that lets medical professionals know that my massively elevated heart rate & blood pressure are a trauma/anxiety-response, not an underlying condition.

    I guess maybe I’d view your desire as those kids on Tiktok that were mimicking/cosplaying mental illness, autism, & Tourettes syndrome, because they didn’t really understand the implications of suffering that a lot of folks who have those things go through.

    Again: I’d strongly suggest seeing a professional about this.

  • “Girls desire a knight in shining armor to come sweep them off their feet!” — my pastor

    For the longest time, I struggled because I was told all my life what a “woman’s purpose” was, and my desires never lined up with that. Felt like a freak because I never desired romance, sex, or partnership with a man (or anyone else, for that matter). If that was my purpose, was I supposed to will myself to want that for myself? Was I doomed to be alone forever? Was I wrong to want to pursue adventure and things that I wanted?

    If my desire ≠ God’s desire (which was apparently union with a man at some point in the future), then my desires were… wrong. Maybe/probably even evil.

    So I fucked up my life trying to follow that and fit into that mold. I did things I never wanted to do because it was the “right thing” to do in the eyes of God.

    After I escaped, I never really recovered. But… I discovered a lot about myself.

    I did bearded dragon rescues & fostering, I got into cosplay, learned how to sew stuffed animals, got some mental health care, rekindled my love for nature… all by myself. I learned to love me and not base my worth on what other folks believe I should do or how I should behave. I don’t have a partner who gets to dictate my personality. I got to grow on my own.

    I’m still coming to terms with… a lot of things about myself, but now I’m able to grow freely instead of being confined to such a small pot.

    Don’t let people define who or what you are, or what your purpose is in life. Only you get to do that. It’s both terrifying and freeing, but you can do this.