• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Absolutely!

    And I’ve had companies offer me a discount on product, rather than a full refund or replacement. I always refuse and state how disappointed I am. They pretty much always follow up with a full refund or new product.

    Hell, I even ordered an indoor spin bike, complained that it used non-standard crank arms, and they refunded me $100 to replace the crank arms and pedals! Just for stating that I was unhappy with one aspect of an otherwise great purchase.

  • I’ve had Amazon listings where the title, description, specs on the box, specs on the product, and the reviews ALL had different information.

    Who creates these listings? AI?

    That said, I strongly encourage anyone who shops on Amazon to complain about issues in your reviews, and contact the seller if ANYTHING is wrong with your product. I have a 99% success rate of getting replacements or a full refund while doing this (resulting in basically a free product), even if the issue is cosmetic or a personal dislike. Just be honest.

  • Ontario, Canada (Near Toronto).

    Our previous insurance was by far the least expensive, so I know it could have been worse. But over the pandemic, where we didn’t drive much, it pissed me off to have to pay insurance and not even need it.

    Then, when I started cycling more two years ago, I just stopped using the car for pretty much every trip that’s less than 30 km way.

  • I have a pay-as-you-go insurance in Canada, and they explicitly say that they “… will not use the data to cancel or refuse an automobile insurance policy; to apply surcharges to your current or future automobile policy or for marketing purposes.”.

    Apparently, they only use it to confirm the mileage. It does capture your GPS tracking, and will alert you of any issues, like a low car battery (which I’ve had a few times because I drive so little!).

    Honestly, in this case, I don’t care. I drive too infrequently, and this saves our family thousands a year, so it’s a net benefit for me, and I choose to opt-in.

  • “Therefore,” concluded the report, “cars continue to be the main contributor to changes in overall motor vehicle traffic.”

    When you think about it for a second, the worst traffic congestion you’ll find are in places where only cars and trucks are allowed to be: highways.

    Yes, you get traffic congestion in cities, too, but hours long congestion only happens in places where cyclists aren’t.

    If a [insert ridiculous number] lane highway at [insert any speed] still results in bumper to bumper traffic, perhaps really should be blaming cars for being the least efficient, traffic-inducing, time-wasting form of transportation available.