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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Skates@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldMother Gaia and Humans
    1 month ago

    I might not be ready to lose my car but I sure as hell am ready to lose

    Whatever it is you’re ready to lose, there are people out there who aren’t ready to lose it.

    coal based electricity

    Fuck right off, there are entire countries who would be completely at a loss without coal-based electricity. Countries which would rather you lose your car.

    the military complex

    Everyone working in the military complex would rather you lose your car than they lose their jobs. It’s you and your car vs millions of people all over the world specifically trained to identify threats to their security, find them and shoot/cut/drone/nuke them. Good luck.

    single use plastic

    I mean you wanna fight all the corpos involved with single used plastics, I’m sure having your car will keep you from being suffocated with a plastic bag for like 2 hours.

    You’re unwilling to allow for changes in your personal lifestyle to globally change things for the better, so why the fuck would anyone else? Just nuke the planet from orbit at this point, we’re all egotistical shitheads and there’s no way to convince Jimmy McFuckface to give up his 1994 truck, we’re done here.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWomen Should Just Be Honest
    3 months ago

    why women feel unsafe

    How are you unsafe on the internet? Are you willingly giving out personal details to anyone messaging you? Is someone sending you DMs where they convince you to hit yourself? Or are you just worried about viruses?

    you literally came at me with a attack calling me a schmuck

    Ah yes, the constant fear of being called a schmuck. Frequently confused with the constant fear of actually being a schmuck, the main difference being that the former is image-related, while the latter usually implies some form of self-awareness. Also sometimes confused with the fear of an actual attack instead of just name-calling, by people who are so sure they’re right that they can’t spend the two seconds to search for statistics.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldVictory? [elder cactus]
    3 months ago

    neither science nor philosophy can provide objective truth in answer to the question “is there a god?”

    That’s a loaded question. What type of god? You wanna define it before you ask if it exists.

    And after you define it, you can also gather all the proof that it exists and you can present it to science and to philosophy. And they will look at all that proof and say “X”. Because they doubt.

    But it’s still on you to prove your claim that there is a god, if you believe it. If you’re just on the sidelines asking because you’re not sure - there’s a simpler answer: yes, there is a god. It is me. And I need about 10% of your monthly income. Get in touch, I’ll send you some details where you can donate your share. In return, I will of course love you unconditionally until you slightly annoy me with your lifestyle (which I already know you will, I am omniscient and I literally made you this way, you have no choice in the matter), at which point you will know my vengeance, for I am the Lord. Throughout this period where I exact my retribution, the expectation is that you’ll shut up and take it, and never forget about that 10% you owe me. Otherwise I will literally put you through hell.

    If you somehow doubt ANY of these claims, for reasons like “why would God contact me on the internet, or need my money, or hate me for how he made me”, or any of these silly questions, just remember - neither science nor philosophy can provide objective truth in answer to the question “is there a god?”. Just like they can’t provide objective truth to “is god that dude on lemmy?”

  • Skates@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldVictory? [elder cactus]
    3 months ago

    What are you on about? Atheism is rejecting a ridiculous belief system. There is nothing for atheists to prove, they made no claims. Religion is the one making claims, so it’s on them to prove it. Atheism simply says “no thanks, the evidence you provide is insufficient and I don’t believe you”.

  • I hate shit like this. I honestly do.

    Yeah my man, congratulations. Biden is better than Trump. Hear ye, hear ye, from the top of the terraces and down to your piss-infested alleys, you should know that today the Democratic party has found us someone you can vote for that is better than Trump. You’re welcome, mortals. Now hurry down to the booths and do what we want you to do. No questions please, there is no time for your theatrics. Just know that he’s better than the worst president you’ve ever had.

    You know what, how about fuck you? How about we let the country burn? I mean, it’ll burn for me anyway. Whether it’s that alt-right fucko, or your shitty party’s “moderate” alternative. But maybe with the other guy, it burns for you as well. Maybe when stocks go down because the orange clown shat out another retarded idea you’ll remember that you offered moderation when people asked for a serious leftist choice. Maybe when the Supreme Court continues to remove rights from women, minorities and oppressed groups they’ll get organized into a party that actually represents them and pushes for social change, instead of just being a shade less dark than their opposition. Maybe when the MAGA retards burn the fucking world down, some rich Democrat fuck’s house just happens to get caught in the fire as well, and they can live to regret pulling the wrong strings for so many years. Because there’s no fucking way the regular people get through any of this shit unscathed, might as well pull a few of the ‘immortals’ down with us and remind them that they too can bleed.

    So fuck right off with your shitty choices. You made the retarded decision to have Hillary as the opposition to Trump, you saw how well that went for you. You made the same mistake now, offering people another impossible choice. For once in your fucking life, accept responsibility - the Democrats have chosen who should represent them, and they have chosen wrong. If they lose, that’s not on the voters - that’s on the people who made the choice.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldAdult daughter. Should I disown her!?
    4 months ago

    What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

    1. Task the kid with something you never taught them how to do

    2. Kid fails because they don’t know how to do the thing

    3. Shout at them because you don’t know other parenting methods

    4. Do it yourself

    5. Lessons successfully taught to your child: it’s normal to not teach your children, it’s okay to shout, you can’t do anything as well as your parents, you can use your inability to do things to force others to do them

    Hey, thank your parents next time you see them, I think they might’ve helped raise my ex girlfriend.

  • I work on crap like this, and it depends. Yeah, diagnostics are done in the car - the main ones, that is. But for example BMW collects data from all their cars - they’re able to do some big data analysis. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the diagnostic info this app provided is an inference - your car has software version 4.3.21, and all cars on that sw version have experienced a certain bug at 200k km, so it’s time to go to the dealership or get a remote update or something. It could be done.

    Most likely though, they’re just taking the personal data from your car and showing it to you. You know - after also saving it for themselves.