• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Smokeydope@lemmy.world
    toMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldPlastic tea bags
    4 months ago

    Tire dust? Tires are generaly made from a kind of rubber, not plastic. A great majority of micro plastics that end up in enviroment and in your body are shed from plastic fabrics. If you’re really worried about limiting plastic consumption check your clothing tags for polyester and nylon. Return to cotton, hemp, and linen.

  • The people who try to compare caffeine to a drug are both trying to make a mute point and have likely never done any real drugs that are truly addictive.

    Yeah under the strict technical definition a drug is something you ingest that affects your body on some level. Yes caffeine is technically a drug under this definition as its a stimulant which represses the chemical signals in your brain responsible for tiredness.

    Billions of people drink multiple cups a day, and some feel like they would really like some coffee in the morning. If you want to define that minor desire for coffee as an ‘addict craving’ well I guess nobody is stopping you from seeing it that way. So there, if you want to play the technicality game and do some mental gymnastics with your world view then I guess all frequent coffee drinkers are technially addicts to the most commonly used drug in the world.

    Buuuut, heres where reality comes in. On the grand scale of all drugs that exist in the world today and their level of addictiveness/potential to destroy your life caffine is so so so far off the left side of the scale it may as not be there.

    When we have a serious big boy conversation about drugs and their potential harms with people who actually know what they are talking about and lived that life, nobody is going to bring up caffeine.

    I’ve worked in rehabs. Ive seen first hand what true addiction and harmful drugs can do to people. I’ve had friends whos lives/minds were destroyed by real hard opioids and narcotics. I’ve helped homeless strangers try to build up their lives from scratch. A vast majority of them had issues with alcohol and opioids, you want to know the demographic of affine addicts we treated? None.

    You want to consider caffeine as a drug and point out how ‘lots of people are technically an addict lol’ fine fair enough. Just keep in mind that real truly hard drugs exist which caffeine can’t hold a candle too, that severe addiction is real and infinitely more hellish than coffee cravings in the morning. And maybe by trying to compare the two and think of them on the same level is an unnuanced overly simplified opinion

  • I think this every time I watch a bargain bin baby show on YouTube with the kids like dude Disney princesses, comic book characters, and more are all copyright trademarked you can’t just use their likeness for your finger puppet songs without paying fat royalties. maybe come up with some original characters or at least knockoffs for your finger puppets I know I would. definitely do not fuck with the mouse

  • They probably didn’t really have fun either, at that point you don’t play to have fun, the fun stopped for them a long time ago. The only thing left is the hollow thrill of owning competitio to stoke your ego and not feel like a complete looser who spent thousands of dollars and countless hours you’ll never get back taking a children’s card game seriously. Real friends that actually care about other people know how to hold themselves back so everyone can have fun (until the shit talking starts from that one mf and you gotta take the gloves off)

  • Im really glad that I didn’t play elden ring when it came out and the hype was real instead I got it at the right moment in my life and have been enjoying it over the winter like a fine wine.

    A funny thing I just did was to try and get to the


    lift of rold to burn the tree or whatever

    through the sewers. Having only ever played DS1 my intuition was “Hmm this is a souls game so I bet I need to suffer through the shitty sewers to get to the next part of the game like blighttown”

    Needless to say, I got all the way down to that


    naturalborn of the void space insect thing and murked it

    before I considered maybe theres another way to the lift. It had never occured to me to just follow the main road through lyndell to the big door and just open it. I felt equally stupid and kind of proud that I basically discovered like 3 new underground areas and beat that omen prick fair and square when I was probably underleveled. I don’t use magic or spells or grease in souls games just good old fashon sword and shield and health potions until it dies or I die.