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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    I feel like society should have a role in making sure people don’t ever get this fat. And not because it’s “eww” or ugly, but because it’s fucking unhealthy. Whenever I see a person like this, I feel pity. You don’t get this fat in a few months. This means years and years of bad habits, lack of access to healthy foods, maybe a terrible childhood with parents who didn’t give a shit, no assistance from the people around you who just stand by and watch it happen (or even enable it), very likely a highly fucked up self image and other issues. This is simply not healthy. It’s terrible.

    And that’s their issues to deal with. And just as much as you think they need help, focus on your issues. Like Go to therapy and deal with your control issues you clearly are struggling with hard here with all the ‘shoulds’ you lash out for everyone else

  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    I don’t think they live for your opinion of them. Maybe get used to understanding the importance of your opinion isn’t the same to other people. Nor should it be. Not saying you can’t have an opinion. Just that that’s as far as it’s gonna go and you are gonna have to get ok with that. Or just carry it with you til one day you die and you’re still angry about it on your deathbed. Your call on how you spend your energy. Sounds sad tho. Probably sadder than what you think a person who is obese is. At least they found some happy in their food. You just sound outright fucking miserable looking for things to be miserable about and pull people into thinking your misery is super important.

  • I don’t hate people who are vegans.

    I do hate the person who righteously yelled at me about eating meat while I was eating her vegan food at her house which she invited me to. And then proceeded to send me Facebook farm videos that were obviously staged. I worked on a farm… so when I corrected her what actually does happen on a farm Vs what these idiots were staging to get reactions, it was even more disgusting to me that she wasn’t doing any of this for the animals as she claimed but doing it so she could feel important. So she can fuck right off up a mountain.

    So no:I don’t hate people who are vegans. I hate self involved, insincere shitheads.

    That said yeah, we need to address commercial farming. It’s an issue. We need to cut down the meat products that are getting produced and stop creating diets that get capitalists richer. But also we need to be honest with what is actually happening. No, they do not give hormones to animals on farms. That practice was discontinued prior to the 1990s. We need to out assholes who spread this bullshit online, dampening the real issues as to why introducing more plant based food is necessary. We also have to keep plant based food healthy and not just inject it with sugar ,salt and fat creating the same health issues we had with consuming commercialized meat.

    Also I think this is why vegan is a ruined word and why ‘plant-based’ is now becoming a substitute. To replace this damage that many of the self called vegans did that were just as much lying and cheating as the industry they so much hate. two wrongs do not make a right. So I’m all about the pivot away from that dumpster fire

  • Smoogs@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldFinally beat cancer
    2 months ago

    It absolutely is not. you have no clue what you are talking about. Even if you refuse to understand and just want to self center ruminate your issues, you could at least make an effort to stop being an insensitive piece of shit to the people who are not the ones at fault for the situation you are in.