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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s just being angry about the fact that the Earth is rotating ball. Wanting to abolish timezones is different from Flat Earth only be degrees.

    Sure the “what time is it there?” question goes away, but it’s replaced by “what are your business hours?”

    Ultimately it will be daytime in one part of the world while it’s night in another part of the world. That will always cause problems.

  • This is actually the best approach.

    Obviously they are getting timezone information otherwise the app could only display whatever time the user entered in.

    If you want to sort things by the actual time, it’s simple and performant if all of the times are in the same timezone, and UTC would be the standard one to use. Pushing the timezone calculations to the client makes sense because the UTC time is correct, it’s just a matter of displaying it in a user friendly way, ie. show the time in the user’s timezone.

  • Yup. It’s the answer that conflicts with sci-fi, but fits out best understanding of how things work. It’s also the answer people don’t want to hear.

    Also we only know of one planet that has life on it. There’s really nothing we can do with statistics with a sample size of one. So it’s just as likely that we’re the only sentient life in the universe as it is there’s millions of of sentient lifeforms out there. That is to say we simply don’t know.

    But I still like sci-fi where there’s a lot of interesting aliens that can fairly easily warp around the universe to hang out. But it is fiction.

  • I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now.

    Hezbollah, not Lebanon. Please don’t legitimize terrorist groups by considering them to be the government of the country they operate in. Lebanon has elections, please support democracy and it’s not consider Hezbollah as Lebanon’s government, even if those psychopaths have control over a significant portion of the country.

    That being said, Nasrallah is probably under significant pressure to do something to help Hamas in some way. Last week he put out some threats against Israel. Israel put out counter threats. In all likelihood that’s where things will stay, neither side wants a war with the other.

    The media is always saying a war is imminent. Remember when they were claiming China was going to invade Taiwan any minute? There’s probably some outlets that’re still are saying that sometimes. It gets clicks, views, and ratings.

    Who knows they might be right this time (a stopped clock is right twice a day) but it seems doubtful.

    So, where will it stop?

    In terms of Gaza, Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages. It’s not going to stop as long as Hamas is holding Israelis hostage.

    Hamas is likely making a lot of money from the suffering of Palestinians. So they don’t have much incentive to release the hostage and put an end to the conflict.

    So it will continue on as the IDF goes house to house trying to find the people that Hamas took on October 7.

    Eventually either the IDF will find all of the hostages or Hamas will release them. Then it will end.

  • Nine has many layers to it. It’s the most interesting of all of the Star Wars movies, just isn’t appreciated by hot take internet culture that fixates on the nitpicks.

    In one of the layers, it has a good message for children that are learning in school that their ancestors did terrible things. You don’t have to identify with your ancestors, you can and should identify with the good people in the past. Even those that opposed your ancestors.

    Probably don’t need to go so far as changing your name because your ancestors did some bad shit, but it’s Star Wars, people are always changing their names to signal their alignment.

  • Raiders uses an artifact to great effect, are the amulet is necessary irreplaceable and uniquely expressed through the power of the sun on a particular day turning into a laser beam.

    And Indy happened to be there on that day? Odds are he’d have to wait months before things were in alignment. Also why did someone ever come up with this convoluted mechanism to show which building the Ark was in? Like were they planning on their civilization someday ending and there would someday be a scenario where it needed to be kept a secret… but not that secret, so that a hero could find it while bad people wouldn’t.

    Also who is even maintaining the various booby traps in the places Indy goes? Why design a building to collapse if someone takes an artifiact?

    There are so many things in an action adventure movie that exist simply for there to be fun action scenes. You’re thinking Raiders is fine (which it is) maybe because you didn’t watch it looking for flaws. Maybe because you were a kid when watching it, or maybe because the internet wasn’t telling you that you were supposed to hate the movie.

    RoS is simply consistent with movies from a different era. An era when people just enjoyed movies for what they were instead of going to movies pretending to be a bitter internet critic. All of the Star Wars Episodes are like movies from another era, it’s kinda it’s thing, the whole Episode thing is from 1930s Flash Gordon movies after all.

    A real criticism of the knife thing could be that’s it’s unoriginal, since it is the same thing as the amulet from Raiders of the Lost Ark. In fact the early part of the movie is basically an Indiana Jones movie but in Star Wars. But since I like both Indiana Jones and Star Wars, and I don’t think action adventure movies need to be 100% original, it was enjoyable for me.

  • Both had a magical artifact that told the hero where to go. The functionality and even the reason for the existence of the artifacts in both don’t make a lot of sense. But for some you’re fixated on this minor flaw in RoS while imagining it’s not a flaw at all in Raiders. It’s the same minor flaw, and in neither they aren’t worth worrying about.

    It’s mostly that movies like Raiders doesn’t get the same level of scrutiny because nostalgia protects it from the negative internet culture of nitpicking new movies to prove they’re bad. When you play that game the prize you win is that you can’t enjoy new movies.

  • Well the Jedi were kinda evil. They indoctrinate children to fight in their holy wars. Basically the same thing the First Order was up to and they were the bad guys.

    And the reason for this is because Anakin in Episode I was the biggest Mary Sue in all of fiction. Lucas felt like a child leaving his mother was more impactful than a young man leaving his mother so therefore Jedi now take children and train them. Also they couldn’t go back and check on Anakin’s mother later, because there needed to be a scene where she dies to start Anakin’s turn to the dark side. So apparently the Jedi don’t allow the children they’re indoctrinating to ever see their families?

    The Mary Sue nature of Anakin resulted in the PT having terrible world building. Things are the way they are only because everything was warped to suit a single character.

    He became a villain at a drop of a hat because it was lazy writing. It’s just a movie so whatever, but what bothers me is the fact that he jammed Columbine (a real life human tragedy) into a movie obviously meant to sell toys to children. It’s really fucked up.

  • There’s nothing wrong with fried chicken. There’s nothing wrong with watermelon.

    But if you’re trying to think of menu options for an event associated with black history and you just shrug and think “I dunno, black people like fried chicken and watermelon, so lets do that” you’re being so lazy you’d be better off doing nothing at all. I literally typed “black history food” into a search and got many pages with lists of options. So by serving fried chicken and watermelon it’s a statement “I don’t give a fuck about black people but since I’m obligated to serve some kind of food option I’m just going to stick with lazy stereotypes.”

    It wold be preferable to do nothing and be honest about not caring than it is to offer a stereotype and then cry crocodile tears because people aren’t recognizing the token effort that was made.

  • Raiders is fine. You’re not supposed think to hard about why an artifact exists and why it works even when it doesn’t make a lot of sense in an action adventure movie. Ideally everything would make perfect sense, but when it doesn’t it’s no reason to get your panties in a bunch.

    They could’ve accomplished things in Raisers a lot more smarter too. Indy could’ve just waited until that Nazis dug up the Ark and then stole the truck once it was loaded. Which is exactly what he ended up doing. Would’ve cut out a lot of the action and adventure by doing it that way. And that’s what we want, right? Efficient plot lines which minimizes the action and adventure.

    Characters using scanners or fictional magic constantly is boring. And besides, why couldn’t a knife that was made by a sorcerer (that had the ability to see the future) have magical properties? Seems you’re upset they used one kind of magic instead of a different kind of magic. Odd thing to be upset about when watching a popcorn action adventure movie.

    Sure there are a few minor flaws in RoS. But it feels like you went into the movie looking for something wrong with it and it gave you what you wanted. I went into it wanting a fun action adventure movie, and it gave me what wanted. So the movie delivered for both of us, didn’t it?