• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • That and it’s impossible say whether or not a given tool or object will never be used to do harm if wielded by the wrong entity.

    Like, say you’re someone who makes free bricks. Someone uses the brick to build a house, great, that’s what it’s made for. Someone uses that brick to shatter a cop’s windshield, even better.

    But someone can also use that brick to smash in the windows of a school, or even that the house built with the bricks you made is being lived in by a bad person.

    No one makes bricks thinking “this could be a weapon, I am responsible for the harm it causes” because its primary purpose as building material is self-evident. It therefore has no inherent morality outside of what people you can’t control choose to do with what they have. All the brick maker wants to do is make the best bricks they can.

  • To me, the most unrealistic part of that ad is not the edge to edge displays, or the holograms emanating from them, or the overall inefficiency of it all, but rather just that you could never have a place that full of screens without ads being everywhere.

    I remember first watching that video on my first smartphone and thinking “When will they ever make a phone without bezels?” And now they pretty much have, but my experience was not some artistic interface full of aesthetically pleasing data and art. It was a YouTube video completely surrounded by ad content.

  • I don’t mind questions being somewhat focused or topical. But the ones I don’t like are “Here is my long-winded opinion on x, what do you think?” or “Here’s a random article or other thing I found on the internet, thoughts?”

    If it’s a post asking opinions on a recent event, that’s one thing. But I think the soapboxing should be limited. There’s more that a post should need to actually qualify as a discussion-fueling question than just the fact they ended a sentence with a question mark somewhere in their post.


  • From an end user perspective there’s not that much to think about, thankfully.

    Basically, it’s like having two websites that mirror each other’s content. You can sign up for Forum A and be able to read and write posts that users on Forum B can also see. People’s names are tagged with the name of the forum they are registered at, but otherwise everything you do and see happens on your own site of choice and there’s no difference where it comes from.

    If Forum A doesn’t like Forum C, but Forum B doesn’t mind, Forum A can choose to disconnect from Forum C and hide their users and posts, while Forum B can still see both. It only gets tricky when someone from Forum B makes a post that people from both Forums A and C are in, but all of the posts from C users are invisible to A users.

  • They may grab your payment info though, and use it to build a profile of you that tracks your spending habits to share with others.

    Source: was one of the people whose cards had been compromised by the massive data breach Target had about a decade or so ago, because Target had been saving payment information on every customer to build profiles from.

    Now I think the newer chip-based cards and tap to pay have made it harder to track customers, but that’s basically why every company is trying to push its own app these days.