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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I love it when the DWP Aktion T4 question if I’m still autistic or not. Believe me, I wish I could stop being autistic and not have anxiety over very normal things and sudden changes. Even the initial application for PIP or DLA was a nightmare as an uncaring system was not convinced I was autistic despite all of the evidence provided by my GP. They very nearly ran me out of money when I got sanctioned without realising it, followed by a year of further paperwork battles as the DWP Aktion T4 continued to deliberately misinterpret everything.

    Then there’s a lot of anti-welfare crap swirling around the internet, so I sometimes feel guilty about claiming anything even though I know it’s legitimate. People are salivating at the idea of the DWP having enforcement powers, checking where you go on holiday (even though a flight can cost less than a train ticket) and other intrusive measures.

    Currently I’m at risk of losing my ESA since they decided to question my autism again and want to do a phone interview, which is exactly what I struggle with, so thank god there’s people who can support me with that call. Honestly, if I had to fight the DWP alone, I probably would have lost all of my benefits and offed myself by now. It’s tough enough even with my really good support network.

  • It’s hard to pick just one:

    • Deus Ex. It’s timelessly topical despite being released in 2000. It predicted the War on Terror and a massive pandemic to name a couple.

    • Spiritfarer, for maximum onion chopping. Saying goodbye to Gwen really messed me up since I became very attached to her, and I can’t finish the last stretch of the game because it’s too emotionally taxing.

    • Undertale and wholesome fan-games like Act to Flirt.

    • Half-Life 2, circa 2004 when it was a leap ahead of everything else. I was unsettled by the teaser screenshots due to how real it all seemed to be during its heyday. (I did re-capture part of that feeling with M Mod and its great yet faithful modernisation effects. Plus there’s some blursed mods you can combine with it such as replacing Alyx with Krystal, voiced by the original actress.)

    • Duke Nukem 3D: Alien Armageddon. It blew me away how much custom content and passion has been invested, so good that it almost felt like I was playing Duke Nukem for the first time all over again.

    • There’s many more worth mentioning such as Unreal, Morrowind, Oblivion, Company of Heroes 1 and the forgotten gem that is Ground Control.

    Man, I was born just at the right time to experience a stunning variety of titles and enjoy the mods that improve them.