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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • “Men and their societies”, Jesus Christ, do you even hear yourself? The layers of misandry and hate in this comment are so fucking off the charts that it would take me literal weeks to unwrap it all. “Rape culture”… holy fucking shit, you have some serious phsychosys going on here. Also, talk about rampant misogyny/misandry… I never even once alluded to your sex at all. Your rampant false victimhood is so out of control that you can’t even separate your own hate from what I have actually said.

  • The fact that you think this is somehow pithy and not just demeaning and dehumanizing is what makes you the problem.
    If we swapped the sexes in the scenario, or changed it from men and women to black people and white people, you would be screaming your head off about hate speech and racism. Your extreme narcissism might be the reason you have had such a bad history with men. I suspected that only the worst kind of men are willing to put up with your shit.
    I would choose the bear over any person that would choose the bear.

  • Does anybody know the cheat code for Panda? Cuz the moment I figure it out I am choosing bear for absolutely goddamn everything.
    Lost in the woods? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - Panda time bitches!
    Lost in downtown? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - Panda time!
    Lost in thought? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - PaaaAaaNnnnnDdaaaa!
    Sitting on the shitter and browsing the Internet? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - PANDA!!!

  • Not directly harming people doesn’t make you good or innocent. Hiring someone or enabling someone else to do your evil for you is still doing evil. It may be excusable to say that the first time they voted for Trump, it was an accident. They thought he would disrupt Washington but was essentially no worse than the rest of the politicians. After that, they would have to purposefully ignore everything that he has done. At this point they have seen the true face of Trump and they’re still choosing evil.

  • Don’t worry, the litter of bodies from people that were on planes or high speed trains, or on ships will provide nutrients for the starving masses.
    Then suicides and murders as people return to find their loved ones remarried or dead because they committed suicide, should also provide another nutritional bump in the following weeks.
    Then the following World War should deal with everyone else.