• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It just looks creepily like Mara’s right arm is bending backwards.

    What a great pair of books though (Allegiance and Choice of One). Would have made a great Disney Plus series if that had been a thing back when they were released. Honestly, they could still do something similar. Cut out Mara (sad face) and the Luke and Han stuff, but a story about a group of renegade stormtroopers trying to make the Empire a better place by taking out pirate gangs and corrupt Imperials would be pretty awesome.

  • See, Disco had it right. Doctors wore white, compared to the navy blue uniforms of all the other divisions, including Sciences. Presumably during the war someone decided that your medic being conspicuously covered in blood gave a bad impression, that was downgraded to nurses (SNW Chapel) and the doctors wore blue (although the slightly lighter shade than science divison). Then later, nurses got blue as well (TOS Chapel). Or was Chapel a full MD by then? Not sure about that.

  • Ah, but from where I sit (a long way from the US), it looks more like a pissing contest between the Republicans to see who can be the most terrible human being in government, than it does look like any sort of actual policy or principal.

    It’s not about helping Ukraine, or avoiding the mistakes of Afghanistan - it’s about trying to make Biden (and/or ‘The Dems’ in general) look bad, even if that involves civilian deaths.

    Are they evil, Russian agents or just absolute clowns? It doesn’t really matter, does it. The end result is the same.