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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Those upcoming changes are why I’ve been playing with the idea of a complete switch to Linux. While I use Linux regularly (but certainly not exclusively) and feel comfortable making the transition to it from Windows, my wife and kids would struggle with some aspects of Linux. And committing all of us to that OS transition would mean a commitment for me of troubleshooting, assisting, and educating the family.

    Thanks OP for this post. I know you’re getting some shit for it, but I and others appreciate your honest findings.

    I don’t think OP’s analysis should be taken as offensive or disingenuous by others here. And I don’t understand why they are getting shit. I’ve been using Linux off and on for 20 years. It’s come an insanely long way in that timeframe with its usability for less technical users. But yes, there are still some gaps to fill. And the way to fix them is to listen to honest feedback like OP’s.

  • I have no idea why anyone still goes to McDogsbreath (I’ll likely hear some reasons in responses to this comment, but I’ve heard them before and don’t buy them). Back in the day I rarely had positive experiences when I was dragged out there reluctantly. Plasticy food of subpar quality, and very uncomfortable, plastic furniture.

    And in recent years, between the prices quadrupling, the limited menu for people who don’t like burgers, the shite Wi-Fi, and now them not even being willing to lose 10c on a relatively small % of customers who get a soda refill… Why go there at all! There are so many better fast food options than that disaster of a chain.

  • ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.world.,.6
    3 months ago

    “Provide value to the world”

    What value is this scumbag providing? He’s fucking over renters by removing rental properties from the market. And he’s not even providing worth to buyers because he’s doing jack-shit to improve the properties when he puts them on the market.

    All he’s doing is lining his own pockets at the cost of other less fortunate people. Fucking sanctimonious hypocrite.

  • I used to have the same problem with my Android phones crapping out at the 2 year mark. That was with Motorola and Samsung phones, and an LG got my wife. I know there are lots of people who have had good fortune with those brands of phones, but that wasn’t the case for me.

    I ended up getting a 1st gen Pixel, and that sucker lasted for over 5 years. I’m now on a Pixel 4a, and about two years in and everything is going well. I’m not sure if it’s just Google phones in general, or if the quality of Android phones in general is improving. But either way it’s encouraging. In my experience (and the experience of several other people I know), Google makes damn good phones. It’s a shame they are a shitty company in other (i.e. ethical) areas.

  • Pfft, who would do that? As a Firefox user myself I never would. Carve out a bit of time on the down-low to enhance cross-browser support on a website after management shortsightedly told me to just block anything other than Chrome? No no no! Not me!

    Of course as others here (including you) have pointed out, it’s much less of an issue these days. Though it does still happen, it’s nowhere near as bad as the IE days (that browser can burn in hell for all eternity!).