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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I mean, not a great source… That’s just a link to a forum post and the only thing they reference for it “not being secure” was a github PR from 2021… Not saying its great they had teething issues, but that’s literally a year within starting up and they fixed all those issues right away, and had an independent audit done. So I kinda feel like using it to say they’re not secure now isn’t very useful. But if you have something showing their current deployment is insecure please share.

    They did a complete infrastructure overhaul at the start of 2023 too moving to their own hardware and such so I imagine more might have changed since 2021 than just those issues.

  • Lifetime is implied to be the lifetime of the company as is the case with LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

    From an economic view: In this case as soon as you hit 13 months without filen going bankrupt you are literally free compared to the 200GB plan with Google Drive which you would still be stuck paying $4 CAD/month for 200GB long after the lifetime plan has paid for itself (assuming they don’t increase monthly rates as time goes on, which they always do).

    Go ahead and pay monthly if you want but you’ll be in exactly the same position if a company goes under, except you would have paid a hell of a lot more than 35 Euro by that point.

  • Hmm that’s disappointing for pcloud. Ya I agree with not really trusting MEGA as your only cloud backup due to the previous wipe of free accounts. I have a free account that I use here and there but you never know when they could get wiped again. With a paid plan I’d be less worried about that but still.

    Well, I just migrated my kdbx from gdrive to filen and it seems to be syncing properly to the local folder on pop_OS22.04 linux appimage. Not SAF or Rclone but atleast all their apps are opensource. It won’t be usable for kdbx on android until the next android app update which they stated in their blog will add local files integration (I believe this means you will be able to pick files from filen in keepassDX like you can with GDrive) and background uploads. I guess time will tell if there’s the same issues with overwriting files with temp ones I had on GDrive since I’m not 100% sure if that’s an issue with file permissions being pulled by drive or if its an issue with KeepassXC.

    Bitwarden is a great option; I keep putting off migrating to it cause I keep having to relocate around the country and have my homelab offline for extended periods. Figured I should wait to host that one till its reliably accessible.

    1. You can’t read can you? I literally explained my reasoning for posting it as it ties into a previous discussion I saw here. You are welcome to check my posting history if you want to see I’m just a regular dude interested in tech and privacy.

    2. the pricing makes perfect sense when you stop defending companies massively overcharging for cloud storage given physical storage costs. Keep in mind it will likely increase since generally companies increase pricing as they age/eliminate the lifetime option once the user base has grown enough.

    3. so pcloud shouldn’t be taken seriously? Not sure why you are simping for subscriptions so bad; they are a bane on modern society. Subscription-model is not the only viable business model (companies including online ones were profitable for decades before it became commonplace) and I would argue it is worse for the user in almost every circumstance.

      We should be supporting businesses that reject the subscription-model, not avoiding them.

    4. Yes.

  • Ya the “lifetime of the service” is always mentioned (you’re still SOL if a service ends and you’ve been paying monthly, you just would have massively overpaid in the meantime); and I agree when its a large premium for a “lifetime”. But in this case considering it would only need to stay viable for 13 months in order to get your ROI on 35 euro invested compared to a monthly subscription (GDrive is $4 CAD/month for 200GB) that is also known for randomly deleting your data/accounts without warning (GDrive), I think its worth the risk. If in 5 years they go under you can always migrate to another service and you saved 5 years - 13 months of monthly payments. And ofc basic data storage practices still should be followed. Min 3 copies, one offsite.

    Interesting about the SAF functionality and worth noting for anyone wanting it for that use; I wonder if its on their roadmap at all. As I said, I’m using this as an offsite backup so should work fine for that.

    As an aside do you have a recommendation for solid SAF functionality with Keepass (esp on linux)? I currently use gdrive linked through gnome accounts in order to sync my keepass file across all my devices since I haven’t found a better option but KeepassXC constantly overwrites the file with temp files (randomly generated string file names) which causes errors when I try to open it on KeepassDX on my phone since the database file is no longer there but replaced with a temp file. Not sure if its due to Gdrive constantly revoking file manager permissions or what.

  • Fuck Huy Fong Foods. Chinese-American businessman appropriates a traditional Thai sauce and uses marketing to brainwash the world into thinking they’re the only ones that can make it. They tried to use their size to squeeze their longterm supplier and lost a $28 million judgement because they were objectively wrong as proven in a court of law.

    They started their own shortage trying to fuck over farmers when they already had over $150 mil/year in sales and they deserve to die off.

    The only meaningful impact we have against these predatory businesses is by voting with our dollars and if you cant give up a fuckin sauce that has hundreds of excellent options available from other companies then you are part of the problem.